I resolved it myself. Two different ways. This is way too cool!!!!

public static int computeLoanInterest(final int amt, final float rate,
final int term) {
                return (int) (amt * rate * term);

public static void getConnection2(final JavaScriptObject jso) {

                Connection.get(new Callback<Connection>() {

                        public void onComplete(final Connection connection) {
                                invoke(jso, connection);



        public static native void invoke(final JavaScriptObject jso, final
Object parameter) /*-{

        public static void getConnection(final String instance) {

                Connection.get(new Callback<Connection>() {

                        public void onComplete(final Connection connection) {
                                connected(instance, connection);



        public static native void connected(final String instance, final
Connection connection) /*-{
                $wnd.onConnect(instance, connection);

        public static native void exportStaticMethod() /*-{
                $wnd.computeLoanInterest =
                $wnd.getConnection =
                $wnd.getConnection2 =

On Mar 5, 11:53 pm, babakm <bmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I built an API in GWT for accessing a series of complex services. I
> wanted to do tons of client side processing and I chose GWT (been
> doing GWT for years now). However, my users will be using Javascript.
> I can easily call GWT from Javascript. No problem. I set up a routine
> I run as soon as my EntryPoint is invoked, and it runs some Javascript
> (just as explained in GWT docs). The problem is that many (more like
> ALL) of my objects and methods use callbacks (everything is async).
> And in many cases, they take Java generics (good old C++ style
> templates). For instance:
> public static void getConnection(final Callback<Connection> callback)
> {
>         Connection.get(callback);
> }
> I want to register this method using:
> public static native void exportStaticMethod() /*-{
>         $wnd.computeLoanInterest =
> $entry(@com.mhsystems.rsmapiproxy.client.SomeTestClass::computeLoanInterest 
> (IFI));
>         $wnd.getConnection =
> $entry(@com.mhsystems.rsmapiproxy.client.SomeTestClass::getConnection(Lcom/
> mhsystems/rsmapiproxy/api/Callback));
> }-*/;
> How do I do that? The first one (computeLoanInterest) works. The
> second one, getConnection, does not. Callback<T> is an interface (not
> an object). Could that be the problem? I don't know how to declare the
> generic Connection here. If that is not possible, I can write specific
> objects but at the end of the day, I need the Javascript code to pass
> in a Javascript callback that is called by the GWT code when it is all
> said and done.
> Cheerz!

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