A Google search returns  Debug Desperado's github project ( 
https://github.com/debug-desperado/Cytoscape-Web-GWT-Wrapper )  as number 
one hit :-p

On Tuesday, March 13, 2012 6:45:59 PM UTC+1, Deepan wrote:
> Hi, 
> I am also trying to use Cytoscape web in GWT. 
> I was wondering if you successfully created the wrapper.
> Any help on this topic will be greatly appreciated.
> thanks.
> Nik
> On Sunday, June 5, 2011 1:04:43 AM UTC-4, Debug Desperado wrote:
>> Oops, forgot to report back just in case anyone else has this problem. 
>> My solution was just to make sure that any array objects created by 
>> GWT are done with new $wnd.Array(), as nino hinted.  Weirdly there are 
>> no type conversion errors with Function objects or normal javascript 
>> Object. 
>> On May 26, 6:34 pm, nino <jazzmatad...@googlemail.com> wrote: 
>> > Sorry i got back at you this late. 
>> > You  allready spot the problem. 
>> > try doing somethinf like this 
>> > 
>> > var network_json = new $wnd.Object(); 
>> > network_json.data =  { 
>> >         data: { 
>> >             nodes: [ { id: "1" }, { id: "2" } ], 
>> >             edges: [ { id: "2to1", target: "1", source: "2" } ] 
>> >         } 
>> >     }; 
>> >  this.draw({network: network_json}); 
>> > 
>> > Regards, 
>> > 
>> > Alain

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