Hello all,
I'm having the same doubt, 
Damians, did you put your code working?
I'm having the same error.

Segunda-feira, 1 de Fevereiro de 2010 11h22min10s UTC, damians escreveu:
> Hello,
> I've got a problem and i googled lots of pages to see if anyone got
> the same problem but i didn't find anything.
> I've got class AbstractDialog that extends DialogBox with some
> standart buttons like OK CANCEL that are bound by UiBinder. I've got
> another class that extends AbstractDialog with another declarative xml
> file, that contains only the main content of that DialogBox.
> When am trying to lunch application i got this error:
> Rebinding <package>.<class>UiBinder
>   Invoking com.google.gwt.dev.javac.StandardGeneratorContext@a51c3c
>     Method 'ok' can not be bound. You probably missed
> ui:field='okButton' in the template.
> Method ok and UiHandler for button okVutton is declared in
> AbstractDialog. From class that extends AbstractDialog the UiField is
> not visible. Am i doing something wrong or i just didnt saw any
> information that you can not extends an object tha got his own
> UiBinder and extended class got their own UiBinder as well.
> My code:
> AbstractDialogBox.java
> public abstract class AbstractDialogBox extends DialogBox
> {
>         private static AbstractDialogBoxUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create
> (AbstractDialogBoxUiBinder.class);
>         interface AbstractDialogBoxUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget,
> AbstractDialogBox>
>         {
>         }
>         @UiField Button okButton;
>         @UiField Button cancelButton;
>         @UiField Label emptyLabel;
>         @UiField VerticalPanel main;
>         public AbstractDialogBox()
>         {
>                 setWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this));
>                 setStyleName("oe-DialogBox");
>                 okButton.setText("OK");
>                 cancelButton.setText("CANCEL");
>         }
>         public void setContent(Widget content)
>         {
>                 main.add(content);
>         }
>         @UiHandler("okButton")
>         void ok(ClickEvent e)
>         {
>                 onOK();
>         }
>         @UiHandler("cancelButton")
>         void cancel(ClickEvent e)
>         {
>                 onCancel();
>         }
>         public void keyPress(KeyPressEvent event)
>         {
>                 if (event.getCharCode() == 13)
>                         onOK();
>                 else if (event.getCharCode() == 27)
>                         onCancel();
>         }
>         public abstract void onOK();
>         public abstract void onCancel();
> }
> AbstractDialog.ui.xml
> <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent";>
> <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder"
>         xmlns:g="urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui">
>         <g:HTMLPanel>
>         <table width="320px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
>                 <tr>
>                         <td colspan="3"><g:VerticalPanel ui:field="main" 
> width="100%"/></
> td>
>                 </tr>
>                 <tr>
>                         <td><g:Label ui:field="emptyLabel" 
> width="140px"/></td>
>                         <td><g:Button ui:field="okButton" 
> styleName="dialogButton"/></td>
>                         <td><g:Button ui:field="cancelButton" 
> styleName="dialogButton"/></
> td>
>                 </tr>
>         </table>
>         </g:HTMLPanel>
> </ui:UiBinder>
> LoginOptionDialog.java that extends AbstractDialog
> public class LoginOptionDialog extends AbstractDialogBox
> {
>         private static LoginOptionDialogUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create
> (LoginOptionDialogUiBinder.class);
>         interface LoginOptionDialogUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget,
> LoginOptionDialog>        {}
>         @UiField Image icon;
>         @UiField Label descIp;
>         @UiField TextBox ip;
>         @UiField HTMLPanel content;
>         public LoginOptionDialog()
>         {
>                 super();
>                 setText("Login options");
>                 descIp.setText("Server IP:");
>                                 ip.setText("Enter ip");
>                                 setContent(content);
>         }
>         @UiHandler("ip")
>         public void press(KeyPressEvent event)
>         {
>                 keyPress(event);
>         }
>         public void onCancel()
>         {
>                 // restore ip text from application context
>                 hide();
>         }
>         public void onOK()
>         {
>                 // set ip in application context
>                 hide();
>         }
> }
> LoginOptionDialog.ui.xml
> <!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "http://dl.google.com/gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent";>
> <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder"
>         xmlns:g="urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui">
>  <g:HTMLPanel ui:field="content">
>   <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
>    <tr>
>     <td><g:Image ui:field="icon" url="gfx/ServerIp.png" width="23px"
> height="23px"/></td>
>     <td align="center"><g:Label ui:field="descIp"
> styleName="dialogText" wordWrap="false" width="126px"/></td>
>     <td><g:TextBox ui:field="ip" styleName="dialogText" width="165px"/
> ></td>
>    </tr>
>   </table>
>  </g:HTMLPanel>
> </ui:UiBinder>
> Enviroment that am using to launch it:
> public class Application implement EntryPoint
> {
>     private LoginOptionDialog loginOptionDialog;
>     private Button optionButton;
>     public void onModuleLoad()
>     {
>        optionButton = new Button("Options");
>        optionButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler()
>           {
>                public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
>                {
> loginOptionDialog.setPopupPosition(optionButton.getAbsoluteLeft()
> - 100,
> optionButton.getAbsoluteTop() - 60);
>            loginOptionDialog.show();
>                }
>           });
>        loginOptionDialog = new LoginOptionDialog();
>         RootPanel.get("optionButton").add(optionButton);
>     }
> }

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