in gwt developer guide, it said

In order to gain fine-grain control over the width of columns, you must set 
> the table layout to "fixed" by passing true into CellTable.setWidth(String, 
> boolean)<,%20boolean%29>.

but I found that if table layout is fixed, then after setting the column 
width, if the column content is too width for the column, the extra content 
will be truncated, but not display in the next line.

Assume I have three column, I want the width of two column is fixed, but 
the remaining column width is relative (using 100%, for e.g.), and then I 
want if the content of that column is too long, the content will display in 
two line in that column, but not truncated, is this possible?
I use TextCell, Column<TextCell> for the column of CellTable.
the version of GWT is 2.4

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