Yes was the issue. Thank you.  Aidan

El 16 de abril de 2012 15:27, Aidan O'Kelly <> escribió:

> You'll probably need:
> with("parents", "parents.childs")
> getChilds() is not a method on your Callback object..
> 2012/4/16 Daniel Mauricio Patino León <>
>> Iam stuck here! any help would be appreciated. (sorry for duplicate the
>> post :
>>  )
>> My case is that i have a @OneToMany association on my module.
>>      class Parent{
>>         @OneToMany(
>>            mappedBy="parent"
>>         )
>>         return List<Child> getChilds();
>>      }
>>      class Child{
>>        @ManyToOne
>>        return Parent getParent();
>>      }
>> The in the client side i want get get the whole object map.
>> i do this (AsyncDataProvider with a DataGrid as display):
>>      requestContext.getParents().with("childs").fire(new
>> Receiver<CallbackProxy>() {
>>  @Override
>> public void onSuccess(CallbackProxy response) {
>> display.setRowData(range.getStart(),response.getParents());
>>  updateRowCount(response.getCount().intValue(), true);
>> }
>> });
>> My DAO its just querying the whole map.
>>      Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Parent.class);
>>      criteria.setFetchMode("childs", FetchMode.JOIN);
>>      criteria.setResultTransformer(Criteria.DISTINCT_ROOT_ENTITY);
>>      /* we got all the map here on the server side */
>>      Callback callback = new Callback();
>>      callback.setCount(count);
>>      callback.setParents(criteria.list());
>>      return callback;
>> But i cant get the childs. The list of them are null. Please note iam
>> using with("childs")
>> Thank you.
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ISC. Daniel Mauricio Patiño León.
Director ejecutivo
Liondev S.A. de C.V.

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