Interesting idea, but the issue is that Oracle is suing Google over its use of Dalvik in Android - the basis of the case is that Dalvik breaks the licensing terms of a JDK. Although I totally agree that this may well spread FUD in the long term which will cost Oracle more that it makes out of the suit, the fact is I suspect that the main reason is still that GWT is moving to the maintenance part of its lifecycle

On 4/19/2012 11:17 AM, Blake McBride wrote:
Here is my own personal opinion about what is going on.

Initially Google was totally dedicated to GWT. It is a great platform loved by Google and many others.

Oracle is suing Google over Java. Google doesn't know where this is going to end and is, quite frankly, sick of the idea that Oracle could possibly sue them over use of a largely public platform. Google doesn't ever want to be in a position to have another company bully them - especially given the very significant time and money Google put in to, in effect, promoting Java.

Given the possibly crazy settlement amount, it is cheaper and less hassle over the long haul if Google just invents in its own stuff and doesn't depend on anything such as Java.

Given this, Google has roughly decided to drop GWT over the long haul and move to some other solution such as Dart. However, there are two issues. First, Google doesn't know how the suit will unfold, nor how the public will react to both the suit and diminished support of GWT. Secondly, Google doesn't know when Dart will be able to totally replace GWT. These two issues cause Google to be silent. They don't want to prematurely kill GWT, especially since they aren't totally sure about its future anyway. They also can't give a roadmap since that would largely be a lie. The only thing they can do is remain silent. Look for an announcement about GWT when Dart is ready for prime time. You can thank Oracle for all of this!

(On another note, IMO, Oracle suing over Java use may go a long way towards killing Java over the long haul. Nobody wants to live with a possible threat like this from one of the largest companies in the world.)

Blake McBride

On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 7:12 AM, July < <>> wrote:


    On Wednesday, April 18, 2012 4:48:52 AM UTC+8, emurmur wrote:

        I'm one of the fence sitters.

        I have been using Flex/Flash, which has been fantastic, but
        has no
        future on the mobile web.  I think there are only two mature
        that would allow me to create similarly rich applications; GWT
        Closure Tools.  Google has decided that Javascript won't cut
        it for
        their own future products, even though they are heavily
        invested in
        Closure Tools.  I agree completely.  It is important to
        that they have also decided NOT to move everything to GWT.
         This makes
        some sense, given that the owner of Java is suing them.  I
        think this
        is in no way a reflection on GWT as a tool and technology.  So
        has decided to move forward with a third initiative designed,
        in part,
        to replace GWT and Closure Tools at Google.  So, I look at
        that and I
        am worried about long-term support for GWT.  I think that is a
        reasonable concern.  This concern is mitigated by the fact
        that GWT is
        a fully open-source project.  Flex/Flash on mobile browsers _was_
        fully supported and look how that turned out.  So, corporate
        is no guarantee; open source is actually a safer bet.  However, I
        would feel a lot better if I had an official roadmap for GWT.

        That being said, Ray's comments on what is coming are
        heartening.  The
        biggest worry I have for GWT, if Google stops directly
        supporting it,
        is the debug environment.  The plugin seems to need a lot of
        maintenance because the browsers are moving so fast.  The
        support for source-maps mitigates this; I would feel better if
        I did
        not have to rely on a plugin.

        I've been working with Dart quite a bit and it is really
        However, integration with other Javascript environments is
        problematic.  For instance, Dart integration with PhoneGap
        does not
        exist and appears to be very challenging (some have tried and
        to pass on it).  This is a non-starter for me.  I want to use the
        mobile web, but I also want the flexibility of providing an
        app if my
        customers want one.  For now, Dart can't do that.  This may
        also be a
        problem when trying to integrate a Dart app into Windows 8
        Metro.  GWT
        is far superior in this regard; it has a nice architecture for
        integrating with Javascript and many useful implementations,
        a couple for PhoneGap.  I'm hoping Javascript integration will be
        addressed in the future, but Dart is still in alpha and the
        team is
        working on core features at least until the language gets to 1.0.
        Also, because Dart is so young, the tooling cannot compare to
        tooling.  This will improve, but Java has many years head
        start.  The
        Dart team is amazing and I am sure they are creating something
        important; I just wish they were 2 more years along.

        My window for fence sitting is closing fast.  I will have to
        make a
        decision.  GWT and Dart are the only real contenders.  As of
        now, I
        think GWT is the best choice, but I would sleep better at
        night if I
        had a roadmap under my pillow.

        On Apr 13, 7:34 am, Blake McBride <> wrote:
        > I strongly disagree with this.  First of all browser
        technology and HTML
        > are in constant flux.  If GWT is not updated, it will very
        soon become
        > out-of-date (bugs in new browsers) and unusable (reliably
        usable over a
        > broad base of browsers and platforms).  Secondly, building
        apps with GWT is
        > a full time job.  Having to understand and maintain GWT
        makes two full time
        > jobs.  Building GWT apps could easily be a multi-million
        dollar effort -
        > and so could maintaining GWT.  This is a huge, huge risk!
        > Another issue I've seen this many times before.  When
        Windows became
        > popular, many developer tools appeared.  Many were quite
        good.  IMO, the
        > worst development environment by far was Microsoft's MFC.
         Virtually all of
        > the other tools either sold out or got dropped.  Management
        often chose MFC
        > over other tool because they were non-technical and the old
        IBM adage
        > applied to Microsoft "no one ever lost their job by
        selecting Microsoft"
        > ruled. In the end, the industry largely settled on the
        absolute lowest
        > common denominator.  Innovation in that area, for all
        practical purposes,
        > is dead.
        > Now we have ASP, JSP, and other popular mashups out there.
         I am utterly
        > shocked how poor they are (although to their credit, they
        are trying to
        > solve practical problems given an environment that was
        clearly not meant to
        > support what they are attempting!).  These environments are
        among the worst
        > I've ever seen.  It's one kludgy work around after another
        with three
        > totally different environments attempting to interact.  GWT
        goes a very
        > long way to solve this very significant problem.  However,
        GWT is a total
        > waste of time if you risk your entire company on it and it
        gets dropped.
        >  In terms of financial risk, very unfortunately, tool
        popularity and
        > support beats functionality, elegance, and productivity
        every time.
        > A statement of commitment from Google would make a huge
        difference to me.
        > Blake McBride
        > On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 7:52 AM, Frank
        <> wrote:
        > > GWT will also not go away...
        > > If you have downloaded GWT on your computer you just can
        keep using it
        > > even years after Google has dropped GWT...
        > > Just like you still can program in QuickBasic or something.
        > > GWT doesn't need anything from Google on the web to operate.
        > > I will just keep using GWT if Google drops it, and see
        keep an eye on Dart.
        > > Op donderdag 12 april 2012 10:00:15 UTC+2 schreef dominikz
        het volgende:
        > >> I've been for years with technologies like SAP or AS/400.
        Those are
        > >> really annoying when you try to do something modern. But
        the thing that is
        > >> good about them is that they never go away. I understand
        that Google needs
        > >> to try new things (dart). But turning away from such a
        big project like GWT
        > >> is stabbing yourself in the back.
        > >  --
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