On Friday, April 20, 2012 11:45:48 AM UTC+2, -sowdri- wrote:
> As you were doing in your project, this kind of supplying a custom mapper 
> for proxy to entity mapping could be a common requirement.

I sincerely doubt it.

We made very bad choices upfront that led us to this situation (in brief: 
we have very large entities with many embedded objects –equivalent to 
@Embedded in JPA/JDO– several levels deep, and we wanted to expose them as 
EntityProxies, so we have to craft fake IDs for the embedded objects –ID of 
the entity + property-path to the embedded– and use "wrapper" objects as 
domain objects to pair the embedded objects and their fake IDs, and this is 
why we need that "transaltion" to take place: our service methods take 
proxies on the client-side, and wrappers on the server-side; we validate 
things at build time –similar to the ValidationTool– and generate a 
DeofuscatorBuilder, instead of doing expensive computations at runtime to 
resolve the domain method)
This is a very singular situation.

We do many other things using ServiceLayerDecorators that are very easy: 
"implementing" fake properties, handling authorization on service methods, 
and doing dependency-injection on Locators and ServiceLocators (getting 
them out of our Guice Injector)

> Any thoughts on whether it would be appropriate to file a bug requesting 
> this feature in RF?

I don't know what kind of feature you're asking for, but it's likely to not 
actually be needed.
If you do think there's a missing feature though, let's discuss it! (here 
or on the GWT-Contributors group)

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