Hello All,

My question seems trivial : what is the contract of Element.getStyle()
getProperty() ?
Of course the question relies on the GWT implementation, which is in
Style.java :
  private native String getPropertyImpl(String name) /*-{
    return this[name];

Thus what is the javascript contract, more precisely :
- does it return the default value as defined by W3C, if any ?
- does it return the value defined in the css file, if any ?
- does it return the value passed to the last call to setProperty(),
if any ?

I guess that might be some priority between these possibilities ?

Also, does anybody know if there is any difference in the contract
between versions of CSS or versions of HTML ?
And also, are there any differences beween browsers, with a GWT
workaround providing a uniform contract ?

Even if this question might be trivial, I didn't found an answer on
the net :-)

Thanks for your comments !

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