Hi Jens,

do you remember references for your tips??

Have anyone tested this solutions??


Em terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012 17h33min11s UTC-2, Jens escreveu:
> Just googled a bit because I have never thought about it and based on the 
> search results I think I would try it the following way (untested): 
> 1.) Send the current client side locale as a HTTP header (e.g. 
> X-GWT-LOCALE) to the server using a custom RequestTransport for 
> RequestFactory (extend DefaultRequestTransport and add the header).
> 2.) On server side create a new custom MessageInterpolator that can 
> overwrite the locale:
> public class GwtClientLocaleMessageInterpolator implements 
> MessageInterpolator {
>   public GwtClientLocaleMessageInterpolator(MessageInterpolator default, 
> Locale gwtClientLocale) {
>     //remember parameters as fields
>   }
>   //implement methods by delegating to the default interpolator but 
> overwriting the locale
> }
> 3.) On server side create a ServiceLayerDecorator for RequestFactory 
> (extend RequestFactoryServlet and provide your decorator through a super 
> call in the constructor) and change the way the Validation will be done in 
> ServiceLayerDecorator.validate(..):
> MessageInterpolator defaultInterpolator = 
> ValidatorFactory.getMessageInterpolator();
> GwtClientLocaleMessageInterpolator interpolator = 
> new GwtClientLocaleMessageInterpolator(defaultInterpolator, 
> localeFromGwtClient);
> Validator validator = 
> ValidatorFactory.usingContext().interpolator(interpolator).getValidator();
> validator.validate(....);
> Hopefully you should now have messages based on the client GWT locale.
> -- J.

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