I updated my GWT SDK to the most recent version of 2.4, and it seems
to be working now.  I was using the January release and updated to the
May release.


On May 27, 7:19 am, Ryan McFall <mcfall.r...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to use the polymorphism features of GWT 2.4, and am
> running into a problem that the client side code is not seeing the
> right kind of proxy returned.
> I have the following objects:
> -  A Survey object, which contains a list of SurveyQuestion objects.
> There are corresponding RF proxy interfaces declared for both Survey
> (ISurvey) and SurveyQuestion (ISurveyQuestion)
> -  MultipleChoiceQuestion is a subclass of SurveyQuestion, with a
> corresponding proxy interface declared (IMultipleChoiceQuestion),
> which extends the proxy for SurveyQuestion (ISurveyQuestion)
> -  My service method is annotated with the @ExtraTypes annotation and
> includes the class IMultipleChoiceQuestion
> When the server side method that returns a Survey is invoked, the type
> of the object in the Survey's list of SurveyQuestion objects is in
> fact MultipleChoiceQuestion (instead of SurveyQuestion).
> But, the proxy returned on the client is an instance of
> ISurveyQuestion, not IMultipleChoiceQuestion, as I expect it to be.
> Am I missing something?
> Thanks,
> Ryan

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