
my company is developing a diagramming solution for the Web and we would 
like to provide a demo which shows how GWT and our yFiles for HTML product 
can be used together.
At the moment we have quite a few script files and the only way we were 
able to get GWT and our product to work together is by adding all imports 
manually into the HTML file (which forces them to be loaded before GWT).

However, we would much prefer to load them asynchronously using a single 
function call as we do for all of our other demos.

So far I've tried to following solutions:

1. Include our scripts in the module xml definition.
=> I was unable to access any of our namespaces, i.e. "$wnd.yworks" was 
undefined, as was "yworks". Our scripts add them to the window object.

2. Load the "gwt/gwt.nocache.js" with our script loader.
=> All required resources are loaded and some GWT code is run, however, the 
module's onModuleLoad method is not.invoked and the page stays blank.
I was able to verify that GWT receives the document.readyState "complete". 
No error message is shown.

3. Load our library in the onModuleLoad method using JSNI.
=> Basically I had a JSNI method "loadYFiles" which invoked our 
yfiles.ready function. The callback should have invoked an "initUI" method 
(Java) which should've done what the onModuleLoad method normally would do 
(i.e. init the UI, add some event handlers, etc.), however the initUI 
method was never invoked and I was unable to find any error message 
indicating why.

I don't know if this is relevant but our demo is using the UiBinder to 
create the UI.

I used Chrome for testing and IntelliJ IDEA as the IDE.

Any help would be highly appreciated. Please let me know if you need more 

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