Answered on 

On Sunday, July 15, 2012 12:48:48 PM UTC+2, Ali Al-Zayer wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I am trying to upgrade GWT to v2.4. I am facing problems. When Run As -> 
> Ant Built (after upgrade the project), the .xml files are missing (not 
> generated in the project) and the project build successfully, but there is 
> strange behavior which shows errors in the console. I will post the errors 
> that are appearing (some of them).
> I am using the following: 
> operating system is Windows.
> I make the compiler to be jdk1.7 instead of jre1.5.
> I set these in the Environment Variables:
> classpath point to C:\Program 
> Files\Documentum\dctm.jar;C:\Documentum\config;%GWT_HOME%;%GWT_HOME%\gwt-user.jar;%GWT_HOME%\gwt-dev.jar;%GWT_HOME%\gwt-servlet.jar;%junit%
> GWT_HOME D:\products\DSS 
> 2012\eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32\eclipse\plugins\
>  <>\gwt-2.4.0
> JAVA_HOME "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_05"
> junit %JUNIT_HOME%\junit.jar
> JUNIT_HOME D:\products\DSS 
> 2012\eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32\eclipse\plugins\org.junit_4.8.2.v4_8_2_v20110321-1705
> In the eclipse --> Preferences --> Java --> compiler --> Compiler compliance 
> level to 1.7
> In the eclipse --> Preferences --> Java --> Installed JREs --> set it to 
> jdk1.7.0_05
> The errors that are appearing while doing the compiling (the result I got 
> is *successfully compiled*) 
>  [java]    Validating newly compiled units
>      [java]       Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/D:/products/DSS%202012/eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32/eclipse/plugins/!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/'
>      [java]          Line 20: The import 
> javax.validation.ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 97: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]       Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/D:/products/DSS%202012/eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32/eclipse/plugins/!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/impl/'
>      [java]          Line 28: Name clash: The method 
> setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>) of type 
> BaseEditorDriver<T,E> has the same erasure as 
> setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>) of type 
> EditorDriver<T> but does not override it
>      [java]       Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/D:/products/DSS%202012/eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32/eclipse/plugins/!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/impl/'
>      [java]          Line 31: The import 
> javax.validation.ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 66: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]       Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/D:/products/DSS%202012/eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32/eclipse/plugins/!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/impl/'
>      [java]          Line 25: The import 
> javax.validation.ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 40: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 43: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 44: Missing code implementation in the compiler
>      [java]          Line 49: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 49: Missing code implementation in the compiler
>      [java]          Line 70: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 72: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 73: ConstraintViolation<?> cannot be resolved to 
> a type
>      [java]          Line 78: ConstraintViolation<capture#2-of ?> cannot 
> be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 83: ConstraintViolation<capture#3-of ?> cannot 
> be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 92: ConstraintViolation<capture#4-of ?> cannot 
> be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 97: ConstraintViolation<capture#5-of ?> cannot 
> be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 102: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]       Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/D:/products/DSS%202012/eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32/eclipse/plugins/!/com/google/gwt/editor/client/testing/'
>      [java]          Line 26: The import 
> javax.validation.ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 35: The type MockSimpleBeanEditorDriver<T,E> 
> must implement the inherited abstract method 
> EditorDriver<T>.setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>)
>      [java]          Line 107: Name clash: The method 
> setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>) of type 
> MockSimpleBeanEditorDriver<T,E> has the same erasure as 
> setConstraintViolations(Iterable<ConstraintViolation<?>>) of type 
> EditorDriver<T> but does not override it
>      [java]          Line 108: ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]       Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/D:/products/DSS%202012/eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32/eclipse/plugins/!/com/google/gwt/validation/client/'
>      [java]          Line 21: The import 
> javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 23: The import 
> javax.validation.TraversableResolver cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 24: The import javax.validation.Validator cannot 
> be resolved
>      [java]          Line 25: The import javax.validation.ValidatorContext 
> cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 26: The import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory 
> cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 57: ValidatorFactory cannot be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 67: ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be 
> resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 68: The method create(Class<?>) from the type 
> GWT refers to the missing type ConstraintValidatorFactory
>      [java]          Line 68: ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be 
> resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 75: TraversableResolver cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 76: The method create(Class<?>) from the type 
> GWT refers to the missing type TraversableResolver
>      [java]          Line 76: TraversableResolver cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 79: Validator cannot be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 81: The method getConstraintValidatorFactory() 
> from the type AbstractGwtValidatorFactory refers to the missing type 
> ConstraintValidatorFactory
>      [java]          Line 82: The method getTraversableResolver() from the 
> type AbstractGwtValidatorFactory refers to the missing type 
> TraversableResolver
>      [java]          Line 91: ValidatorContext cannot be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 92: The method create(Class<?>) from the type 
> GWT refers to the missing type ValidatorContext
>      [java]          Line 92: ValidatorContext cannot be resolved to a type
>      [java]       Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/D:/products/DSS%202012/eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32/eclipse/plugins/!/com/google/gwt/validation/client/'
>      [java]          Line 23: The import 
> javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 25: The import 
> javax.validation.TraversableResolver cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 26: The import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory 
> cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 27: The import 
> javax.validation.spi.BootstrapState cannot be resolved
>      [java]          Line 40: BootstrapState cannot be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 43: BootstrapState cannot be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 45: BootstrapState cannot be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 53: ValidatorFactory cannot be resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 55: The method 
> buildValidatorFactory(ConfigurationState) from the type 
> GwtValidationProvider refers to the missing type ValidatorFactory
>      [java]          Line 59: ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be 
> resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 64: ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be 
> resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 65: The method create(Class<?>) from the type 
> GWT refers to the missing type ConstraintValidatorFactory
>      [java]          Line 65: ConstraintValidatorFactory cannot be 
> resolved to a type
>      [java]          Line 72: TraversableResolver cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 73: The method create(Class<?>) from the type 
> GWT refers to the missing type TraversableResolver
>      [java]          Line 73: TraversableResolver cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 88: TraversableResolver cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]       Errors in 
> 'jar:file:/D:/products/DSS%202012/eclipse-jee-indigo-SR2-win32/eclipse/plugins/!/com/google/gwt/validation/client/'
>      [java]          Line 26: The import javax.validation.metadata cannot 
> be resolved
>      [java]          Line 41: ConstraintDescriptor cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 44: ConstraintDescriptor cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 45: ConstraintDescriptor<?> cannot be resolved 
> to a type
>      [java]          Line 49: ConstraintDescriptor cannot be resolved to a 
> type
>      [java]          Line 50: ConstraintDescriptor<capture#2-of ?> cannot 
> be resolved to a type
> I don't know what to do. Please any help.
> Thanks and regards,
> Ali

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