On Monday, July 30, 2012 10:02:03 PM UTC+2, Thad wrote:
> I have a CellTree in which I want to represent something similar to a 
> directory listing (actually represented in database records):
> public class DirectoryObject implements Serializable {
>     public String name;
>     public String type; // 'file' or 'folder'
>     public int group;
>     ...
> }
> This listing comes from a server application which the user must log into. 
> Naturally I can't call the RPC to populate the tree until the login takes 
> place.
> My wish is to draw the UI and upon login (or upon pressing a 'List' or 
> 'Refresh' button to return an ArrayList<DirectoryObject>. From this I 
> populate the previously empty tree. Objects of type 'folder' will be the 
> branch nodes and will require a new RPC call with the name as a parameter 
> to find the children (null gets me the highest level).
> My question is how, once the empty tree is present, to trigger that call 
> and start my listing. So far I've got what you see below, but I'm not sure 
> if it's right and I'm stumped on the UiHandler for my list button (at the 
> very bottom). I'm trying to follow the CellTree examples, but they use 
> static data or don't start empty.
> public class DirectoryPanel extends Composite {
>   private static DirectoryPanelUiBinder uiBinder = GWT
>       .create(DirectoryPanelUiBinder.class);
>   interface DirectoryPanelUiBinder extends
>     UiBinder<Widget, DirectoryPanel> {
>   }
>   private static class MyDataProvider extends 
> AsyncDataProvider<DirectoryObject> {
>     private String folderName;
>     public MyDataProvider(DirectoryObject directory) {
>       if (directory != null)
>         folderName = directory.name;
>     }
>     @Override
>     protected void onRangeChanged(HasData<DirectoryObject> display) {
>       final Range range = display.getVisibleRange();
>       AsyncCallback<ArrayList<DirectoryObject>> callback = 
>           new AsyncCallback<ArrayList<DirectoryObject>>() {
>         @Override
>         public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
>           Window.alert((new GwtOptixException(caught)).getMessage());
>         }
>         @Override
>         public void onSuccess(ArrayList<DirectoryObject> result) {
>           int start = range.getStart();
>           GWT.log("onRangeChanged, start: "+start);
>           updateRowData(start, result);
>         }
>       };
>       Cold.getRpcService().getDirectoryListing(folderName, callback);
>     }
>   }
>   private static class DirectoryTreeModel implements TreeViewModel {
>     private SingleSelectionModel<DirectoryObject> selectionModel = 
>         new SingleSelectionModel<DirectoryObject>();
>     public DirectoryTreeModel() {
>       selectionModel.addSelectionChangeHandler(new 
> SelectionChangeEvent.Handler(){
>         public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event){
>           /* Huh? 
>             from 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?start&hl=en#!searchin/google-web-toolkit/CellTree$20asyncdataprovider/google-web-toolkit/jdQLj_oZTek/fuKmFMrbghsJ
>             but there's no getSelectedObject() in SelectionChangeEvent
>             */
>           //DirectoryObject rec = 
> (DirectoryObject)event.getSelectedObject();

It's actually selectionModel.getSelectedObject() that returns your real 

>         }
>       });
>     }
>     @Override
>     public <T> NodeInfo<?> getNodeInfo(T arg0) {
>       if (arg0 instanceof DirectoryObject) {
>         Cell<DirectoryObject> cell = new AbstractCell<DirectoryObject>() {
>           @Override
>           public void render(Context context, DirectoryObject value,
>               SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
>             if (value != null) {
>               sb.appendEscaped(value.name);
>             }
>           }
>         };
>         MyDataProvider provider = new 
> MyDataProvider((DirectoryObject)arg0);
>         return new DefaultNodeInfo<DirectoryObject>(provider, cell, 
> selectionModel, null);
>         // or return new DefaultNodeInfo<DirectoryObject>(provider, cell); 
> ??

The first line: generally you should provide a selection model for all your 
nodes if you want to do something when they are selected (the actual 
expansion, if not a leaf, is a provider's job).

>       return null;
>     }
>     @Override
>     public boolean isLeaf(Object arg0) {
>       return arg0 != null && ((DirectoryObject)arg0).name != null &&
>           ((DirectoryObject)arg0).type.equals('file');
>     }
>   }
>   @UiField(provided = true)
>   CellTree tree;
>   @UiField
>   Button list;
>   DirectoryTreeModel treeModel;
>   public DirectoryPanel() {
>     treeModel = new DirectoryTreeModel();
>     tree = new CellTree(treeModel, null);
>     initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this));
>   }
>   @UiHandler("list")
>   void onList(ClickEvent event) {
>     // What here??
>   }
> }

 - create the cell tree only if the user has logged in (and show something 
like an empty message);
- create a root null node (as you did) but refuse the expansion/selection 
until the user has logged in (probably an async provider's job, i.e., the 
inner RPC is used in an authentication mechanism and refuses requests from 
unauthenticated clients);
- create a default root node that does nothing at all, backed by a no-op 
(null) selection model and when the used logs in, replace it with the real 
selection model (I think the only way is re-instantiate the cell tree).

I think the best way to programmatically select a node is by using the 
selection model, although I don't remember if it also expand inner nodes.

Hope that helps. 

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