I need to absolute position an image in a page. A possible solution would 
be to use a popup panel, but to make the page cleaner I prefer to absolute 
position the image itself. I tried the code below (and some variations of 
it), but the image appears contained in a div, which has top, left, right 
and bottom styles equals to 0, and so it covers all the page.
Is there any way to absolute position an image?


 Image img = new Image( HandleImages.instance.green().getURL() );

 DOM.setStyleAttribute( img.getElement(), "position", "absolute" );

 DOM.setStyleAttribute( img.getElement(), "left", "100px" );

 DOM.setStyleAttribute( img.getElement(), "top", "100px" );

 img.setPixelSize( 12, 12 );

 img.setSize( "12px", "12px" );

// img.getElement().getStyle().clearRight(); // no effect

// img.getElement().getStyle().clearBottom(); // no effect

RootLayoutPanel.get().add( img );

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