On Monday, October 8, 2012 1:12:31 PM UTC+2, Alex opn wrote:
> Sorry for asking so late, I didn't see your answer until now.
> Do you use an async data provider? Because I had problems once with an 
> async data provider and code like this:
> // Expand previously expanded metaspaces
> for (int i = 0; i < rootNode.getChildCount(); i++){
> final String nodeName = (rootNode.getChildValue(i));
> if (expandedNodes.contains(nodeName)){
> rootNode.setChildOpen(i, true, false);
> }
> }
> I see that you only seem to have one level under the root node. But what 
> if I have more levels? The deeper nodes would not open up as the childs had 
> to be fetched and the loop was too fast or something like that. I wish 
> there was a clean way to refresh an async celltree somehow. Maybe I just 
> have not discovered it yet : )

I'm "warming a cache" so that all the needed data is available 
synchronously when calling setChildOpen in such a loop. Everything else 
after that is async.

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