Hello there.

I have a question of wich is the best option to validate my domain objects 
on the client side with RequestFactory.

It's posible to validate a Proxy with the new Validation of 2.5 RC2 ?

If i do a validation of my proxy don't get any constraints violations.

What i did to get a work arround of this was move the anoations to my proxy:

@ProxyFor(value=Employee.class, locator=EntityLocator.class)
public interface EmployeeProxy extends EntityProxy {
 @NotNull(message="Cannot be empty.")
@Size(min = 4, message = "Name must be at least 4 characters long.")
public String getFirstName();
        /* ......................   */

Then i implemented that interface on my domain object.

public class Employee extends EntityBase implements EmployeeProxy {
      @Column(nullable = false) 
      private String firstName;
public String getFirstName() {
return firstName;
       /* ......................   */
public EntityProxyId<?> stableId() {
return null;

Now i get validation on the client side with:

EmployeeRequest request = requestFactory.employeeRequest();
EmployeeProxy employeeProxy = request.create(EmployeeProxy.class);
 driver.edit(employeeProxy, request);
Set<ConstraintViolation<EmployeeProxy>> violations = 

and also on the server side when i click on save button with this:

driver.flush().fire(new Receiver<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
public void onConstraintViolation(Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> violations) {
//ConstraintViolation<?> violation = violations.iterator().next();
 //Window.alert(violation.getMessage() + " " 
for(ConstraintViolation<?> violation: violations){
}else if(violation.getPropertyPath().toString().equals("firstName")){
}else if(violation.getPropertyPath().toString().equals("lastName")){
// ... others

I this correct?

This can cause problems ?

thank you.

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