AFAIK one thing the "with" does for you is call the method named, so 
with("lines") will call getLines(), which I imagine would let you build up 
any structure, including a recursive one.

I haven't tried deeply nested structures, though - please update if you 
know better.

On Tuesday, November 23, 2010 5:59:47 PM UTC+2, mp31415 wrote:
> By default RequestFactory(RF) fetches an entity proxy itself(the root) 
> but does not fetch other entity proxies referenced from the root. In 
> order to fetch referenced properties their names must be provided 
> using with() method on the request(context). Is there a syntax to 
> request proxies nested even deeper (referenced from those referenced 
> entities of the first level)? 
> For example, if there are three classes(entities): User, Line, Point: 
> class User 
> { 
>   Set<Line> lines; 
> } 
> class Line 
> { 
>   Point start; 
>   Point end; 
> } 
> class Point 
> { 
>   int x; 
>   int y; 
> } 
> How can I fetch User proxy with all its lines and points? 
> Please don't tell me about denormalizing, workarounds like referencing 
> everything directly from User or about upcoming in GWT 2.1.1 
> value(embedded) objects. The question is about entity graph and the 
> classes above are just an illustration. 
> Thanks.

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