On Thursday, 25 October 2012 15:58:07 UTC+1, Jürgen Form wrote:
> but actually the GWT could not be found at 
> https://developers.google.com/products/. Only if I search fo it.

You're right.  That is a very large indicator of Google's public intentions 
for GWT.

But, there are a stream of applications/libraries that have been moved from 
in-house to open source community based projects.  I guess the fundamental 
factor that will help support GWT is that there are commercial 
organisations doing professional GWT development (including, apparently 
Google itself).  I think this will guarantee the medium-term life of GWT, 
even without Google's direct ownership/sponsorship of it.

Why may Google have dropped it from their publicised development tools?  I 
guess it's because its difficult to identify an income stream from it. 
 They can use it internally to support income generating projects, but it 
isn't one in itself.

Anyway, that's my 2-cents worth.

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