Hi all. I have ported a GUI JavaScript library to GWT 
-http://code.google.com/p/yuigwt/. I would like yuigwt users be able to use YUI 
widgets in uibinder. 

YUI (yuigwt) defines its own Widget infrastructure and class hierarchy, 
event handling, etc and it not depends on GWT widgets and GWT DOM.  It also 
has some rudimentary support for displaying YUI widgets inside GWT Widgets 
and viceversa, and the same for com.google.gwt.dom.client.*

As I understand from javadocs, all my custom UIBinder classes must inherit 
from com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.UIObject. But it seems it do not support 
events, so I guess this mean uiBinder is dependent on GWT Widgets. 

I have found no documentation or forum post dedicated explicitly to 
UIBinder and 3rd party javascript toolkits interoperability.  Also I have 
found some projects aimed to do this like 
http://code.google.com/p/gwt-customuibinder/, but I'm not sure to use them. 

So my questions are, for defining UIBinder classes to support YUI Widgets, 

1) is there are a way of support uibinder Events without working with GWT 
Widgets API? 

2) Do I need to base my uibinder on GWT Widget ? An I obligated to work 
with my rudimentary GWT widget - YUI widget intoroperability ? 

3) any one have any expertice in this field (give 3rd party JavaScript 
toolkits ported to GWT uiBinder support ? )

Thanks in advance. 

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