
I'm starting a simple project in GWT, but I'm a newbie and don't know how 
to approach this problem in the right way.

My application must have a login page and a main content one, where all 
views are managed/displayed (it looks like standard GWT). The login page 
must be different than the other, since it's monitored by a Single-Sign-On 
application, over which I don't have control (the content page is not 
monitored by that application).
Information about the logged in user must then be "passed" to the content 
page, which uses them (together with an authentication token passed by the 
SSO application) to query external web services.

It seems like a basic problem, but I can't find the proper way of solving 

   - If I make the login page in GWT, how do I pass data to the next page 
   and how do I even navigate there?
   - I thought of making the login page without GWT, submitting to a servlet
      - I'm not allowed to deploy a different war, so I'd have to make the 
      servlet inside the GWT application, but how can I then call the GWT 
      page? Passing GET parameters doesn't look appropriate, since I'd have to 
      pass authentication data... Is there any way to share the scopes?
If I haven't explained properly, I'm more than available to explain better, 
since I'm definitely missing some basic GWT concepts.

Thank you very much in advance!

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