On Monday, November 12, 2012 2:44:17 PM UTC+1, l.denardo wrote:
> I read in the 2.5 release notes here: 
> https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/release-notes#Release_Notes_Current
> "Security vulnerability from 2.4 to 2.5 Final 
> The GWT team recently learned that the Security vulnerability discovered 
> in the 2.4 Beta and Release Candidate releases was only partially fixed in 
> the 2.4 GA release. A more complete fix was added to the 2.5 GA release. If 
> you have an app that's been built with GWT 2.4 or one of the 2.5 RCs, then 
> you'll need to get the latest 2.5 release, recompile your app, and 
> redeploy."
> I can't find any recent announcement of a security vulnerability or 
> related posts in the group. Is there some information around about what 
> this issue is?
It's always delicate to disclose the details of security issues when you 
know that some people (including high-traffic apps) still use the 
vulnerable version.
However a "git log --grep security" gives 
http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/source/detail?r=10458, and 
there indeed are other changes to these 2 files between 2.4 and 2.5.
Only people with the GWT DevMode plugin installed are at risk of XSSI here. 
An example of what was *fixed* in 2.4: 

> Having some applications in production with 2.4 we want to decide whether 
> to wait for the Eclipse update or not.
What does Eclipse has to do with GWT?!

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