On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 5:06:38 PM UTC+1, Sebastián Gurin wrote:
> Hi all. 
> I'm playing with GWT overlay types for learning better ways of overlaying 
> and working with them more agile. In particular I found that JSO setters 
> methods that return 'this' for method chaining are a good way of defining 
> an object state in a single Java statement, just like they are done in 
> JavaScript. I written about this in 
> http://cancerberonia.blogspot.com/2012/12/guidelines-for-writing-gwt-overlay-types.html
> This setters methods look like this: 
> public native final MyJSO color(String val) /*-{
>   this["color"]=val; 
>   return this;
> }-*/;
> So I can define an object in a single Java Statement like 
> MyJSO my1 = MyJSO.create().color("red").age(14); 
> I feel very confortable with that approach and using it on my GWT projects 
> based on JSOs. But to my surprise (thanks to IRC user niloc132), these 
> setters are not inlined in the GWT compiler JavaScript output. Please, read 
> last part of my blog post "About Performance". For each setter a JavaScript 
> function is defined and called: the JSNI code is not inlined. So this is 
> not a zero overhead solution (as my libraries promise).

This last statement is misleading. JSOs do have zero-overhead, in the sense 
that they do exactly what you tell them to do: the generated code looks the 
same as the code you wrote, with no overhead due to having a Java class 
translated to JS as is the case for non-JSO classes. The fact that some 
methods are not inlined is not about overhead, it's about further 
In other words, your code is equivalent to this JS code, no overhead:

function color(o, val) {
  o["color"] = val;
  return o;
function age(o, val) {
  o["age"] = val;
  return o;

var my1 = age(color({}, "red") 14);

(actually, the "color" and "age" strings would be moved to global 
variables, but that's another story)

> I tried different approachs for defining these setters, but with the same 
> results in all cases. My question is, can I force the GWT compiler somehow 
> to inline some of mine JSNI methods, perhaps with some annotation ? Do 
> somebody have any suggestions for making setters returning 'this' to be 
> inlined in javascript output instead of creating and calling javascript 
> functions in javascript generated code ?

Either don't return "this":
   MyJSO my1 = MyJSON.create();

or live with code that could be optimized further (and will probably be in 
a future version of GWT; maybe it's already the case with the Closure 
Compiler backend actually).

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