On Monday, September 5, 2011 1:01:29 PM UTC-4, melody wrote:
> I wish to embed an asynchronous call to the server inside a method 
> that MUST NOT return until the server has responded. So I am looking 
> for a way to achieve a non-busy wait in GWT. I thought I could use a 
> modal popup dialog to stop the next line from being executed until the 
> dialog is closed  and only after the response from server arrives. 
> Unfortunately the GWT modal dialog does not do what I thought it would 
> do -- which is block everything and wait at the line where the 
> PopupPanel.show() method is called. See method below 
> <code> 
> public boolean doPost(String url, String postData) { 
>         RequestBuilder builder = new 
> RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, url); 
>         final int STATUS_CODE_OK = 200; 
>         final PopupPanel dlg = new PopupPanel(); 
>         dlg.setModal(true); 
>         dlg.setGlassEnabled(true); 
>         try { 
>             builder.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form- 
> urlencoded"); 
>             builder.sendRequest(postData, new RequestCallback() { 
>                 public void onError(Request request, Throwable 
> exception) { 
>                    dlg.hide(); 
>                 } 
>                 public void onResponseReceived(Request request, 
> Response response) { 
>                     int li_status = response.getStatusCode(); 
>                     if (li_status == STATUS_CODE_OK) { 
>                         //bravo 
>                     } 
>                     dlg.hide(); 
>                 } 
>             }); 
>             builder.setTimeoutMillis(3000); 
>             dlg.show(); 
>             return true; 
>         } catch (RequestException e) { 
>             GWT.log(e.getLocalizedMessage()); 
>         } 
>         return false; 
>     } 
> </code> 
> I want the line 
> <code> 
> return true; 
> </code> 
> to be executed only after the dialog is closed just like what would 
> happen if I used Window.confirm to achieve the modality as shown 
> below. 
> <code> 
>    Window.confirm("yes or no"); 
>     return true; 
> </code> 
> Any ideas on how I can achieve this. 
> Thanks, 
> Melody 

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