Can somebody tell me if the above is expected behavior or a bug?
So should I put it in the issue tracker?
Of should the doc be more specific about the above usage?

Please test it yourself ..
- Ed

Op zondag 16 december 2012 13:15:21 UTC+1 schreef Ed het volgende:
> (Using version 2.5.0)
> I am a bit surprised the way gwt decide to include code in a split point, 
> or left over.
> Example: creation of a controller in a split point. (without 
> the -XfragmentCount option)
> 1) Safe way that always works:  create controller in an anonymous 
> RunAsyncCallback.onSuccess() method:
> ----
> public void createSomeController(final AsyncCallback<MemberLoonController> 
> callback, final Bla args) {
>  final RunAsyncCallback async = new RunAsyncCallback() {
>    public void onSuccess() {
> callback.onSuccess(new SomeControllerDefault(args));
>    }
>    public void onFailure(Throwable ex) {
> callback.onFailure(ex);
>    }
>  };
> GWT.runAsync(async);
> }
> ----
> The above gives the same result when not creating  the async variable but 
> passing the RunAsyncCallback directly to the GWT.runAsync() method. Which 
> might sound logic, but nothing is like it seems...
> Above results in my case in (Soyc report):
>  Total code size: 1.1 MB
>  Initial size: 350 KB
>  left over: 550 KB
> 2) However when I replace the above line  "GWT.runAsync(async)" by the 
> following:
> ---
> if (GWT.isScript()) {
> GWT.runAsync(async);
> }
> else {
>    new CommandDeferred() { 
>      public void execute() { 
>          GWT.runAsync(callback); 
>       } 
>     }; 
> }
> ----
> I do the above because I want   the runAsync to be run decoupled when 
> running in dev mode to get the exact same behavior as in script mode. This 
> is due to an open issue (bug) that hasn't been solved yet, that is: in dev 
> mode the behavior is different as it's not decoupled that can lead to 
> strange app bugs..
> Anyway: the point here is: that it will always run the "
> GWT.runAsync(async);" command just like above but then through an if 
> statement...
> Surprisingly however, the above results in a much bigger left over:
> ---
>  Total code size: 1.1 MB
>  Initial size: 350 KB
>  left over: *750* KB
> ---
> Interesting, so the GWT compiler doesn't use the runtime dependency path 
> like you would expect...
> BTW: this is a bumper so that I can never use this construction, such that 
> my behavior in web and dev mode are (too) different... (mentioned above)
> This is just one of the tests that was I was surprised of.
> I another test I did:
> 3) Just like 1) but pass in a Creator method, like this: 
> ---
> public void createSomeController(final AsyncCallback<SomeController> 
> callback, final CreatorSimple<SomeController> creator) {
>    final RunAsyncCallback async = new RunAsyncCallback() {
> public void onSuccess() {
> callback.onSuccess(creator.create());
> }
> public void onFailure(Throwable ex) {
> callback.onFailure(ex);
> }
>   };
>   GWT.runAsync(async);
> }
> ---
> I call the above code like this for example (the above usage makes it nice 
> to share split points in case it works anyway):
> ---
> final CreatorSimple<SomeController> creator = new 
> CreatorSimple<SomeController>() {
>    public SomeController create() {
> return new SomeControllerDefault(args);
>    }
> };
> getLazyLoader().createLoonController(callback, creator);
> ---
> Also this results in the same big left over :(..
> I am surprised about this as the creation of the controller is only called 
> through the GWT.runAsync() and NEVER through another piece of code...
> So why is my left over so big? Why is GWT deciding it's not included in 
> it's own split point?
> I don't understand the difference with construction 1), as besides it's 
> another construction, it leads to the same result you would expect
> I tried more constructions like putting the controller creation in it's 
> own class instead of through an anonymous class, but it all results to the 
> same big left over...
> Idea's, your experience ?
> My experience/advice: always use the less flexible construction 1) which 
> makes it difficult to share split points and workaround the 
> dev-mode-script-mode (bug) difference.. But at least that results in 
> "correct" split points...
> - Ed

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