Jens, thanks for the input.

If you don't mind me asking, 

- Do you link Activities directly to specific places: Activity<P extends 
Place> ?
- Somewhat related, do you set an actual "place" (constructor/setter) or 
just a particular param (DTO/other object/variable)?
- Do you have a lot of "ActivityWithPlaceProxy" boiler plate?
- Do you show any loading on the ActivityWithPlaceProxy.start() prior to 
the actual start of the desired activity?
- I Assume by proxy complete mappers you mean: build a proxy mapper 
delivered via AsyncProvider which will pull all activities in that mapper 
at once??
- It would appear there is a situation when using activities provided via 
RunAsync that the default ActivityMapper behavior is not desired:
--- In non-RunAsync, if a new Activity starts AND sets the display 
widget/panel prior to the activity which preceded it (user navigates before 
current activity can set display), clear/kill current activity and proceed 
with next
---- However, this is not the same when RunAsync is involved as Activity 
"A" can be called and downloaded. Prior to "A" being downloaded, Activity 
"B" is started and downloads or loads faster than "A"
---- So "A" will set the display panel AFTER Activity "B" -> The default 
ActivityManager will give control to "A" and kill of "B" even though we 
probably want to give "B" the control and display since "A" took longer 
loading and setting the display...
---- I am not sure if my logic fits reality, but I have extended Saeed's 
asyncMapper/Manager example to use the Place to determine what activity 
gets control
---- (That last place fired gets control. So if an activity loads but is 
linked - pass the Place as params through the async calls - to a different 
place, kill it)

* I have included some links to this process below incase anyone wants to 
do verify or reference:
(Branch: act-async-mapper)

Using "Place" to determine start order (or ignoring of previous/stale 
activities due):

Saeed's Original:

On Monday, January 7, 2013 12:27:26 PM UTC-5, Jens wrote:
> Currently using 
> and 
> so far I haven't seen an issue with it. I also proxy complete 
> ActivityMappers so I can freely decide if I want to code split a single 
> activity or a group of activities because it does not buy you anything if 
> you make a split point for a very small activity just because its an 
> activity. But today, GWT 2.5 negates that a bit as it allows you to 
> automatically merge split points (although you dont have any control)
> -- J.

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