So when I comment out the "refresh via find(stableId()) after receiving 
persist()'s response EntityProxy" and simply use the response EntityProxy 
as-is, the error gets thrown when I attempt to re-edit it.

It's not thrown when checkStreamsNotCrossed processes the parent 
EntityProxy (called CatalogItemProxy), but one of it's children (which is 
created at the same time, they have a 1-to-1 relationship with each other) 
called ProductProxy (path="product"). This was unexpected to me.

Here's the wire data *without* the refresh via find(stableId())


<<< {"S":[true],"I":[null]}



Here's another persist request with a subsequent refresh:


<<< {"S":[true],"I":[null]}





On Thursday, January 17, 2013 4:24:26 AM UTC-5, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> Just noticed: you're saying you have an "Unfrozen bean with null 
> RequestContext" assertion error?
> If that's the case (wrt "AutoBean has been frozen" error as originally 
> reported in this thread), can you put a breakpoint in 
> AbstractRequestContext's checkStreamsNotCrossed and try to understand which 
> proxy is causing the issue? (that's only a start, but could help build a 
> testcase)
> On Thursday, January 17, 2013 4:21:48 AM UTC+1, bloo wrote:
>> Hi Thomas - I was not tracking my own question here! I apologize. I'm 
>> still hacking around this - that is, returning my new instance from my 
>> InstanceRequest "persist()", then turning around and doing a 
>> find(response.stableId()) on it to get a usable EntityProxy. I'll paste the 
>> wire data below - it was the smallest back-and-forth in my app I could 
>> find. Let me know if you need me to dig something else up for this or help 
>> decipher anything.
>> >>> 
>> {"F":"","I":[{"O":"gYfjUQeKypl3aT70L$lmyH$je_Q=","P":[[]]}]}
>> >>> 
>> {"F":"","I":[{"O":"mZy6R_9WbCm4npb8ui4de53bLjM=","P":[{"R":"1","C":1,"T":"lUUyvXo8bCZWuM6Ew6LR72oN2nQ="}],"R":["product.type","images"]}],"O":[{"O":"PERSIST","R":"1","C":1,"T":"lUUyvXo8bCZWuM6Ew6LR72oN2nQ=","P":{"product":{"R":"1","C":2,"T":"UCoe6wjm6hP1YdFtuSowpMxJ0ow="},"vendor":{"S":"IjQi","T":"NMnlePAPPa8$chg1XXK6I_qmRTc="},"defaultQuantity":100,"defaultUnit":"lb.","name":"foo","defaultPrice":"10","images":[]}},{"O":"PERSIST","R":"1","C":2,"T":"UCoe6wjm6hP1YdFtuSowpMxJ0ow=","P":{"type":{"S":"IjEi","T":"vCoN_GmihaJOTBwUCW2N_JPjlaY="},"name":"foo"}},{"O":"UPDATE","S":"IjEi","T":"vCoN_GmihaJOTBwUCW2N_JPjlaY=","V":"MC4w"}]}
>> <<< {"S":[true],"I":[null]}
>> <<< 
>> {"S":[true],"O":[{"T":"lUUyvXo8bCZWuM6Ew6LR72oN2nQ=","V":"MC4w","P":{"product":{"T":"UCoe6wjm6hP1YdFtuSowpMxJ0ow=","S":"IjkwIg=="},"id":"90","defaultQuantity":100,"name":"foo","images":[],"defaultUnit":"lb.","active":true,"defaultPrice":"10"},"S":"IjkwIg==","C":1,"O":"PERSIST"},{"T":"UCoe6wjm6hP1YdFtuSowpMxJ0ow=","V":"MC4w","P":{"name":"foo","type":{"T":"vCoN_GmihaJOTBwUCW2N_JPjlaY=","S":"IjEi"}},"S":"IjkwIg==","C":2,"O":"PERSIST"},{"T":"NMnlePAPPa8$chg1XXK6I_qmRTc=","V":"Ni4w","S":"IjQi","O":"UPDATE"},{"T":"vCoN_GmihaJOTBwUCW2N_JPjlaY=","V":"MC4w","P":{"name":"Other"},"S":"IjEi","O":"UPDATE"}],"I":[{"T":"lUUyvXo8bCZWuM6Ew6LR72oN2nQ=","S":"IjkwIg=="}]}
>> >>> 
>> {"F":"","I":[{"O":"?","P":[{"S":"IjkwIg==","T":"lUUyvXo8bCZWuM6Ew6LR72oN2nQ="}],"R":["product.type","images"]}]}
>> <<< 
>> {"S":[true],"O":[{"T":"lUUyvXo8bCZWuM6Ew6LR72oN2nQ=","V":"MC4w","P":{"product":{"T":"UCoe6wjm6hP1YdFtuSowpMxJ0ow=","S":"IjkwIg=="},"id":"90","defaultQuantity":100,"name":"foo","images":[],"defaultUnit":"lb.","active":true,"defaultPrice":"10.00"},"S":"IjkwIg==","O":"UPDATE"},{"T":"UCoe6wjm6hP1YdFtuSowpMxJ0ow=","V":"MC4w","P":{"name":"foo","type":{"T":"vCoN_GmihaJOTBwUCW2N_JPjlaY=","S":"IjEi"}},"S":"IjkwIg==","O":"UPDATE"},{"T":"vCoN_GmihaJOTBwUCW2N_JPjlaY=","V":"MC4w","P":{"name":"Other"},"S":"IjEi","O":"UPDATE"}],"I":[{"T":"lUUyvXo8bCZWuM6Ew6LR72oN2nQ=","S":"IjkwIg=="}]}
>> (I have a hunch that on the server side, an incomplete @Entity is being 
>> passed to the GWT serializing code before the @Transaction demarcation 
>> completes and the entity in memory is totally updated. Hunch.. I am not 
>> certain.)
>> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 2:22:21 PM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, October 17, 2012 7:57:33 PM UTC+2, bloo wrote:
>>>> Hi David,
>>>> I hate to bring up an old thread, but I noticed this happening with my 
>>>> switch from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0.  I am using JPA/Hibernate on the backend, and 
>>>> my entity instance's persist() method returns "this" on the server.  It 
>>>> stopped working with 2.5.0 with the Unfrozen bean error - BUT, it only 
>>>> happens when you persist an entity for the first time (not subsequent 
>>>> perists for update).
>>>> Just wondering if you have any insight into what would cause this.  I'm 
>>>> working around this by calling Request.find(EntityStableId) after the 
>>>> successful persist() call ONLY IF it was a new object being persisted (it 
>>>> is not necessary to do that for subsequent updates to the object).
>>> Could you post the payloads exchanged? (capture them with your browser, 
>>> Wireshark, or set the gwt.rpc.dumpPayload system property to true on your 
>>> server and it'll print them to System.out)
>>> Preferably the smallest request that fails so it's easier to read ;-)

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