
I have the same problem. You found the solution ? Or anyone !!


Le jeudi 7 juillet 2011 13:50:56 UTC+2, Tiago Rinck Caveden a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I'm a newbie in GWT and I am struggling to create a dialog box using 
> UIBinder. I'm sorry if this has already been discussed but I couldn't find 
> it.
> This is the graphical result of my dialog :-(
> [image: Screenshot.png]
> The code that I'm doing is the following.
> First, the java code for the view:
> public class DebtorCreationDialog extends DialogBox {
>     @UiTemplate("DebtorCreationDialog.ui.xml")
>     interface DebtorCreationDialogUiBinder extends
>             UiBinder<Widget, DebtorCreationDialog> {
>     }
>     private static DebtorCreationDialogUiBinder uiBinder = GWT
>             .create(DebtorCreationDialogUiBinder.class);
>     @UiField TextBox debtorSurname;
>     @UiField TextBox debtorGivenName;
>     public DebtorCreationDialog() {
>         uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this);
>         setSize("400px","300px");
>     }
>     public String getDebtorSurname() {
>         return debtorSurname.getText();
>     }
>     public void setDebtorSurname(String surname) {
>         debtorSurname.setText(surname);
>     }
>     public String getDebtorGivenName() {
>         return debtorGivenName.getText();
>     }
>     public void setDebtorGivenName(String givenName) {
>         debtorGivenName.setText(givenName);
>     }
> }
> Here, the UI XML code for the binder:
> <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="urn:ui:com.google.gwt.uibinder"
>     xmlns:g="urn:import:com.google.gwt.user.client.ui">
>     <g:HTMLPanel>
>         <g:DialogBox autoHide="true" modal="true" animationEnabled="true" 
> glassEnabled="true">
>             <g:caption>
>                 <b><ui:msg key="debtorCreationDialog.caption">Insertion de 
> nouveau débiteur</ui:msg></b>
>             </g:caption>
>             <g:HTMLPanel>
>                 <g:HorizontalSplitPanel>
>                     <!-- Left column -->
>                     <g:VerticalPanel>
>                         <g:Label><ui:msg key="mandates.debtorSurname">Nom 
> du débiteur</ui:msg></g:Label>
>                         <g:TextBox name="debtorSurname" maxLength="60" 
> ui:field="debtorSurname" />
>                     </g:VerticalPanel>
>                     <!-- Right column -->
>                     <g:VerticalPanel>
>                         <g:Label><ui:msg 
> key="mandates.debtorGivenName">Prénom du débiteur</ui:msg></g:Label>
>                         <g:TextBox name="debtorGivenName" maxLength="60" 
> ui:field="debtorGivenName"/>
>                     </g:VerticalPanel>
>                 </g:HorizontalSplitPanel>
>             </g:HTMLPanel>
>         </g:DialogBox>
>     </g:HTMLPanel>
> </ui:UiBinder> 
> Does anyone have any idea of what am I doing wrong?
> Two other questions I'd like to ask, if I manage to solve the main problem 
> above:
>    - Must I do the setSize in the java code for the dialog not to be 
>    tiny? I tried adding the attributes length and width to g:DialogBox but 
>    that didn't work. 
>    - Can't I center the dialog by setting some attribute in the XML? I 
>    saw the center() method, but I'd rather do it in the XML if possible.
> Thank you.

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