Hi all,

I try to use overlay type on this kind of JSON:

{"records": [{"names": {"John": ["50", "H", "US"], "Jack": ["40", "H", "EN"]}, 
> "style": "TR"}]}

So, to get the value of "style", I do that and it works:

public final native String getStyle()
>           /*-{
>               return this.records[0].style;
>           }-*/;

Now I want to get the values of "names". I do that and what I get is always* 

public final native String getNames(final int i)
> /*-{
> return this.records[0].names[i];
> }-*/; 

Why? Is it the good way to get the names and their properties? (like ["50", 
"H", "US"])

Thank you in advance :)

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