
I don't know what is "verbColumn" in my exemple.

I try to do the same thing, but I don't know how can this example can works 
because k is not "final"!

My try:

ListHandler<List<String>> columnSortHandler = new 
> ListHandler<List<String>>(rows);
> for (int column = 0; column < arrListFilters.size(); column++) {
> IndexedColumn IColumn= new IndexedColumn(column);
> IColumn.setSortable(true);
> table.addColumn(IColumn, arrListFilters.get(column));
> columnSortHandler.setComparator(IColumn, new Comparator<List<String>>() {
> public int compare(List<String> o1, List<String> o2) {
>           if (o1 == o2) {
>             return 0;
>           }
>           // Compare the column.
>           if (o1 != null) {
>             return (o2 != null) ? o1.get(*column*).compareTo(o2.get(*
> column*)) : 1;
>           }
>           return -1;
>     }
I have an error, "column" is not final..."Cannot refer to a non-final 
variable column inside an inner class defined in a different method"

Le mercredi 24 avril 2013 17:10:03 UTC-4, Andrea Boscolo a écrit :
> Also, it looks like 
>  and 

Le mercredi 24 avril 2013 17:24:08 UTC-4, a 
écrit :
> Thanks for your answer.
> I didn't know what to do, so I test with the 0th entry. I know that it is 
> not the solution. 
> In your answer, columnIndex is my "i" I guess? I can't get it, it must be 
> "final". 
> I try to do that, but it doesn't work too:
> i=0;
>> while(i<table.getColumnCount()){
>> *final Column<List<String>, ?> column= table.getColumn(i);
>> *columnSortHandler.setComparator(*column*,new Comparator<List<String>>() 
>> {
>> public int compare(List<String> o1,List<String> o2) {
>> if (o1 == o2) {
>> return 0;
>> }
>> if (o1 != null) {
>> *return (o2 != null) ? 
>> o1.get(table.getColumnIndex(column))**.compareTo(o2.get(table.getColumnIndex(column)))
>> : 1;
>> *}
>> return -1;
>> }
>> });
>> i=i+1; 
>> }
> Le mercredi 24 avril 2013 16:24:36 UTC-4, Jens a écrit :
>> Why do you always compare the 0th entry? Shouldn't it match the column 
>> the comparator is responsible for, e.g. 
>> o1.get(columnIndex).compareTo(o2.get(columnIndex))?
>> -- J.

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