Hi Jens!

1.) use SafeHtmlUtils instead 
> of OnlyToBeUsedInGeneratedCodeStringBlessedAsSafeHtml. 


> 2.) always use <!DOCTYPE html> in your host html page so that IE is in 
> standards mode to avoid head aches :)

This is already the case. In addition, I jhave already tried different 
"X-UA-Compatible" meta settings.

> The links that do not work, are these always the same links or is it 
> totally random? Does it only happen in production mode or also in DevMode? 
> If it only happens in production mode then my guess is that a native 
> JavaScriptException is thrown in IE (e.g a null access) for any reason. 
> Make sure you have activated IE's status bar and check if there is a JS 
> warning/error icon and make sure you have GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler() 
> set at your app startup.

This was an important advice! After setting the UncaughtExceptionHandler, I 
get this message:

com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError) description: 
Für die Eigenschaft "Ze" kann kein Wert abgerufen werden: Das Objekt ist 
Null oder undefiniert. number: -2146823281: Für die Eigenschaft "Ze" kann 
kein Wert abgerufen werden: Das Objekt ist Null oder undefiniert.
So it's not a problem wirh the anchor, but with the client code it triggers.

Maybe you should add some logging to your onBrowserEvent() methods so you 
> can see whats going on in IE in production mode: 
> https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideLogging

The exception occurrs somewhere in a constructor where a panel is created. 
At the moment it would be of help, if I could see how the source is 
translated into JS. But IE shows only the code from the host page. No idea 
how to update it.


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