OK, I've finally got some time to look at this again. But I'm still having 
some issues. Based on your feedback, I should eliminate the following two 

   - Class to represent the request and hold its DTO
   - Class to represent the response and hold its DTO

These currently both extend an abstract generic class (one implements 
Action and one implements Response). I haven't been able to make those 
classes generic enough that these 2 request/response classes can be removed.

I suppose that I may need to use GIN to make this happen, but I have not 
yet figured out if that would be required and/or how to do it yet.

*Here are the abstract classes:*

public abstract class CustomRequest<T> implements 
Action<CustomResponse<T>>, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2497682157216814807L;
 private T request;
 public void setRequest(T request)
this.request = request;
 public T getRequest()
return request;

public abstract class CustomResponse<T> implements Response, Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7854717568064553824L;
private T response;
private String statusString = "";
private int msgStatus = 0;
 public T getResponse()
return response;
 public void setResponse(T response)
this.response = response;

        // Getters and setters.

*Then the classes that extend these abstract req/response classes:*

public class Login extends CustomRequest<MyLoginReqDto>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2497682157216814807L;
 public Login() {}
public Login(MyLoginReqDto creds)

public class LoginResponse extends CustomResponse<MyLoginReqDto>
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7854717568064553824L;
public LoginResponse() {}
public LoginResponse(MyLoginReqDto creds)

So obviously for each of my ~40 DTOs, I need to send/receive a different 
DTO. I'm not completely clear on how to do this while eliminating all 4 of 
the classes above.

*Here are my service interfaces:*

public interface LoginService extends RemoteService
CustomResponse sendRequest(Login req);

public interface LoginServiceAsync<T>
void sendRequest(Login req, AsyncCallback<CustomResponse<T>> callback);

*And then my service implementation:*

public class LoginServiceImpl
extends CustomService<Login, LoginResponse> implements LoginService
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8883630570739973203L;
        public LoginResponse getDataFromJNI(Login req)
                // custom code to deal with the backend data retrieval.

*Finally, my abstract service:*
public abstract class CustomService<REQ extends CustomRequest, RSP extends 
CustomResponse> extends RemoteServiceServlet
         // static System.loadLibrary() call for JNI connection.

public RSP sendRequest(REQ req)
RSP response = null;
if (jniConnection == null)
// custom JNI connection code.
 response = getDataFromJNI(req);
catch (Exception ex)
 return response;

        protected abstract RSP getDataFromJNI(REQ req);

So this does get my JNI connection code factored out into a single class. 
But it still is causing me to need to define a specific Request/Response 
for every service.

I'd love to have a single service handle all of the different DTOs with a 
single service implementation and various methods to handle each DTO. I'm 
just not clear on how I can make that happen and I'm running short on 
schedule time to be contemplating and researching. I've looked at a ton of 
examples online, but I haven't been able to find one that really maps to 
what I need and makes sense. I haven't found one that handles many 
different DTOs in a single service implementation.

Please let me know if I'm way off here. Is DI the way to solve all of this? 
Is it just a minor tweak to my classes? Or do I need to start from scratch 
with a whole new approach? If you have a link to a project or bit of code 
that already demonstrates this, I would love to see it.

Thank you,

Michael Prentice
GDG Space Coast
Hope to see you at http://gwtcreate.com/ in December!

On Saturday, August 3, 2013 5:18:21 AM UTC-4, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> How about using a single service/serviceAsync/serviceImpl for more than 
> one request/response/DTOs? Instead of "40 services" with all that 
> boilerplate, you'd *only* need 40 methods on a single *service*.

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