Have you checked Elemental? AFAICT, everything's there already.

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 4:02:48 PM UTC+1, confile wrote:
>  want to observe the upload percentage of a file upload from GWT.
> In JavaScript you can use a XMLHttpRequest and add an event listener like 
> this:
> var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
> oReq.upload.addEventListener("progress", updateProgress, false);
> // progress on transfers from the server to the client (downloads)
> function updateProgress (oEvent) {
>   if (oEvent.lengthComputable) {
>     var percentComplete = oEvent.loaded / oEvent.total;
>     // ...
>   } else {
>     // Unable to compute progress information since the total size is unknown
>   }}
> (The above code is from 
> here<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/Using_XMLHttpRequest>
> .)
> This is also done very easily in jQuery as:
>  var $request = $.ajax({
>       xhr: function() {
>         xhrNativeObject = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
>         //Upload progress
>         xhrNativeObject.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(event) { 
> ... }
>       }
>  });
> I want to do the same with GWT. I could use a 
> RequestBuilder<http://www.gwtproject.org/javadoc/latest/com/google/gwt/http/client/RequestBuilder.html>
>  to 
> send a request, but this is only a high level wrapper around the 
> XMLHttpRequest JavaScriot object. Another possibility would be to use the 
> GWT 
> XMLHttpRequest<http://www.gwtproject.org/javadoc/latest/com/google/gwt/xhr/client/XMLHttpRequest.html>
>  class 
> which is a JSNI wrapper of the JavaScript XMLHttpRequest.
> My problem:
> *How can I add a progress listener to the XMLHttpRequest or the 
> RequestBuilder?*

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