So it would have been totally safe to bet the farm on EJB2.1 because that 
is here for good? CORBA inside JSE!

On Friday, December 13, 2013 1:35:27 AM UTC, Willie Slepecki wrote:
> My team just wrapped up an evaluation comparing gwt to jsf to be used in a 
> new series of applications we are planning.  My team chose pure gwt over 
> jsf and vaadin for a variety of reasons.  
> Our problem is two of the primary decision makers are convinced that gwt 
> is going to dilute and within 7 to 10 years be irrelevant and ended as a 
> product.   Where did they get this idea?  A blog. Post obviously.  On the 
> other hand, since jsf is part of jee, it's going to be alive and vibrant 
> forever.   
> I'm not asking to argue the validity of their claims  I already know why 
> they say that and it's political, not technological.  What I'm asking is, 
> can you help me come up with an idea to impress upon the other members of 
> the selection committee that this idea is unfounded and gwt would be a safe 
> choice?    I already. Have the vaadin report they generate, but that I fear 
> isn't going to hold much weight.   
> Maybe some records from red hat saying how many developers are dedicated 
> to the project, estimated annual budget senscia is spending on gwt core 
> development, stung like that is what these guys will care about.
> Any ideas?  Thanks

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