Some thoughts on using SmartGWT:

* The SmartGWT developers are VERY insistent that you should develop your 
application using their APIs and structure, as otherwise you are "wasting 
time" and "duplicating effort" they've already put in.  To be fair, they do 
have a bit of a point in that they have designed things to work a certain 
way, and put a lot of time into that structure.
* That said, SmartGWT has enough flexibility that you can somewhat pick and 
choose how you use it, including just using the UI aspects.  For example, 
there's a post in the SmartGWT forum that offers up a subclass of the 
DataSource feature that uses GWT-RPC for communication instead of 
SmartGWT's normal protocol.  I've got an application that uses SmartGWT for 
the client UI, GWT-RPC for communication with the server, and Play 1.2 
(with the Play-GWT module) as the backend, rather than servlets and stuff.
* SmartGWT does add a pretty significant bump to your compiled JS size, at 
least 500K or so.

Overall, I'd say if you have a number of UI pieces you need to use, 
SmartGWT's an option, but probably overkill if you just need one new widget.

On Sunday, February 16, 2014 6:43:09 PM UTC-5, new_newbie wrote:
> Hi
> I need a collapse/expand panel, and SmartGWT is providing an 
> out-of-the-box solution. However, the installation has to remove all the 
> rpc configuration that I have created for long time.
> *Adding Smart GWT Pro/Power/EE to an existing project*
> *Important:* If you have created a project using the GWT Plugin for 
> Eclipse or a similar tool, first get rid of unused resources typically 
> included in such "starter projects":
>    - from your *moduleName*.gwt.xml file, remove imports of any GWT 
>    themes, leaving only the import of The 
>    proper imports to add for Smart GWT Pro/Power/EE are shown below.
>    - get rid of any sample servlets or GWT-RPC services (delete both 
>    web.xml entries and server-side source)
> I need a package that offers more GUI components and compatible with my 
> existing gwt project.
> Any recommendation?
> Is GWT-Ext a good choice?
> Thanks

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