On Monday, February 24, 2014 12:27:18 AM UTC+1, Jens wrote:
> Just to get things right. Even in your complete example the usage of 
> @Import in the case of InitButtonCSS is useless. Its useless because the 
> css class initButton2 will be a unique name anyways and thus it doesn't 
> really make sense to define the css rule as .global-genButton.initButton2.

Unless one of these is dynamically added/removed.

> @Import is usually used the other way around. That means you have some 
> sort of a parent container widget and you want to change the default style 
> of its child widgets. In that case you would @Import the css of the child 
> widget into the parent widget css and then define css rules like .parent 
> .childwidget-header { ... } to change the header of the child widget if 
> this child widget will be put into that specific parent container.

It's also useful the other way around. I've used @Import to show/hide 
elements in cells when a CellTable row is hovered:
.gwt-CellTable-cellTableCell .hiddenAction {
  visibility: hidden;

.gwt-CellTable-cellTableHoveredRowCell .hiddenAction {
  visibility: visible;

or showing some kind of label as red when put in an "error panel":

.label {
  width: 200px;
.global-hasError .label {
  color: red;


> @Shared works best when you generalize some common state like focus / 
> selected / disabled / enabled. For example you could have some sort of a 
> SecurityManager that enables/disables widgets based on permissions. Such a 
> SecurityManager would use a minimal CssResource like
> @Shared
> interface HasEnabledDisabledStateCss extends CssResource {
>   String enabled();
>   String disabled();
> }
> Then any widget can inherit this minimal CssResource and define on its own 
> how it will look like in enabled / disabled state (= you would not add 
> enableddisabled.css to the various widgets @Source annotation although you 
> extend HasEnabledDisabledStateCss).

+1, a @Shared interface would generally not have a CSS file and would only 
be used in "extends" (never as return type of a ClientBundle resource)

> So either @Shared nor @Import do not really fit into your example above. 
> If you delete all these annotations then you example will work without 
> issues and it will look like the short snippet I posted earlier.
> -- J.

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