I have a GWT application that use and have 2 host pages with 2 differents 
EntryPoint (gwt.xml files) which some code and most important, Database 
(datastore in Google App Engine) common.

The problem is that one of them (main application entry point) makes use of 
several external Java libraries, including SmartGWT with its JS libraries, 
meanwhile the second one use none of them. When I deploy (and compile) to 
Google App Engine, I need to include reference in the second entry point to 
SmartGWT, although it's not used. If inherits directive lacks, I get lot of 
compilation errors. I don't want to load SmartGWT JS files (2 MBytes) when 
they are not necessary, growing download from a few Kbytes to 100x times 
Kilobytes with SmartGWT. This second host page is a Google Chrome 
Extension, where light load is a strong requirement.

If I run in GAE SDK eclipse local webserver without any reference to 
SmartGWT in second host page, it works. But if I compile the whole project 
(although in first hots page references to SmartGWT remains) I get errors, 
related to SmartGWT absence. We have inspected second host page code, and 
no reference to SmartGWT (imports) are present. 

Is it possible to make a separate compilation of two host pages? 


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