I don't know if it still relevant, but I had the same problem and I found a 

I have small popup (my Class extends DialogBox).

Inside the popup, I have a VerticalPanel. Inside this panel is a ScrollPanel 
and a HorizontalPanel for some buttons. Inside the ScrollPanel is a 
Now, the user can add and remove rows in the FlexTable. I want to grow the 
Dialog a bit, but when it gets too large, I want the ScrollPanel to have a 
fixed height so that the scrollbars appear.
When the user removes elements from the table and gets beyond the critical 
height, I want the dialog to shrink.

It's quite easy. Here is how I achieved it.

 private void handlePanelHeight() {
    String height = null;
    if (table.getOffsetHeight() > MAX_PANEL_HEIGHT) {
       height = String.valueOf(MAX_PANEL_HEIGHT);
    } else {
       height = String.valueOf(table.getOffsetHeight());
    DOM.setStyleAttribute(scrollPanel.getElement(), "height", height);

In my example, I set MAX_PANEL_HEIGHT to 250.
I call this method when

   - the dialog is opened
   - the user adds a row
   - the user removes a row
I hope this helps.

Best regards

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