As of now, quite sadly, the GWT plugin is no longer supported in the latest 
of versions of Firefox nor Chrome (starting with 35). I've been using GWT 
since 2006, and I think it's a sad state of affairs that after so much work 
went into GWT's OOPHM (a.k.a "Development Mode"), we're back to Internet 
Explorer being the only browser that can be used for GWT debugging on 
Windows.  I think that SuperDevMode goes against the original "do 
everything from your IDE" spirit of GWT, but I digress...

The main reason I'm posting this is to describe my workaround to save some 
time for anyone who still wants to use dev mode under Chrome and Firefox 
(which I'm guessing is the majority of the people here):

The hack I came up with (for Windows) was to install "portable" versions of 
Chromium and Firefox.

Portable Firefox 24:
Portable Chromium 35:

Then you need to manually install the GWT plugin into Chromium, since it's 
now disabled on the Chrome Web Store:
1. download the file GWT-Developer-Plugin_v1.0.11357.crx from (entering ID number 
jpjpnpmbddbjkfaccnmhnkdgjideieim into the search field)
2. drag and drop the downloaded file into the chrome://extensions/ tab to 
install the plugin

The good thing about this Chromium build is that it seems to be immune from 
Google's auto-updater, but for a limited time, you can also still get 
Google Chrome 35 Portable at, and follow 
the same procedure for manually installing the GWT plugin.

I'm hoping that this hack will allow many of us to keep using the old dev 
mode for a long time to come, and I'm also hoping that the GWT project 
members will not abandon dev mode support.  

Question for GWT project members: I understand that both FF and Chrome are 
getting rid of the NSAPI, which enabled the GWT plugin.  Are there really 
no other ways to keep supporting dev mode on the latest versions of those 
browsers?  Has anyone looked into "Native Client" 


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