Truth be told, the knowledge about ResettableEventBus is exactly, what I 
asked for! So far it seems legit to utilize the singleton EventBus in order 
to broadcast events, while placing handlers' management upon 

Excuse me if my post about scheduler.scheduleDeferred() wasn't clear. What 
I meant was, that scheduler.scheduleDeferred() is in contrary NOT 
sufficient for some reason. Seems like scheduler.scheduleDeferred() defers 
task of event firing in my particular case for a shorter period than 
scheduler.scheduleFinally(). Even though the documentation may describe 
some different behavior.

On Saturday, September 20, 2014 3:13:12 AM UTC+4, Jens wrote:
> 1) In the comment to your code, it's said that a Scheduler must be also 
>> managed by GIN. Therefore, the question if it is a bad practice to use 
>> Scheduler.get(), while the rest of the project is managed by GIN? How 
>> about RootPanel.get() (or RootLayoutPanel.get()) factory calls? Seems 
>> like one must replace all no-parameter calls of that kind with injections. 
>> Correct me if I'm wrong.
> Depends on your testing strategy. GWTs Scheduler uses GWT.create and JSNI 
> so if you use it inside a presenter/activity you must test it with 
> GWTTestCase (slow) or use a library like gwtmockito which does some heavy 
> magic to disable GWT.create() calls. If you inject your Scheduler you can 
> use JUnit directly as you can just pass in a fake Scheduler implementation.
> So it is not a must, but IMHO a good idea to do so.
>> 2) Back to the main subject about EventBus. Actually I tried 
>> scheduler.scheduleDeferred()before I started looking for solutions. 
>> Seems like only scheduler.scheduleFinally() defers the event firing long 
>> enough to give other activities time to append their handlers withing 
>> start() method. At least in my particular case I encountered the 
>> "racing" condition between activities for header, content and other 
>> sections of my layout. Therefore, while there's no parallel computation in 
>> browser, GWT approach with deferred tasks adds some unexplainable magic to 
>> the process of debugging. I'm not even sure if I ever gonna prefer 
>> scheduleDeferred() 
>> to scheduleFinally() from now on.
> Actually it is the other way around: scheduleDeferred() delays the code 
> longer than scheduleFinally(). scheduleFinally() is executed right after 
> your normal code but before the browser gets control again, while a 
> deferred command is executed via a JS timeout so the browser had control 
> for some time before the command executes.
>> 3) I still need to fire events manually sometimes. Therefore I do inject 
>> EventBus instance to some of the activities. Despite the fact start() 
>> method uses different instance of EventBus, the code still works fine 
>> like if it's all one single instance. This discovery confuses me a lot, 
>> because buses are clearly different. How is it it even possible? And what 
>> might be the best practice of using EventBus with Activities&Places + 
>> GIN?
> Normally in GIN your EventBus is a singleton and you use it to initialize 
> the activity/places framework. In your Activity.start() method you get a 
> special ResettableEventBus which wraps the singleton EventBus you passed 
> into the activity framework. This ResettableEventBus clears all handlers an 
> activity has added automatically once the activity is stopped. 
> Thats why you should prefer storing the EventBus provided by the start 
> method in a field instead of injecting an EventBus again. I have often seen 
> code where people have injected an EventBus and then forgot to cleanup the 
> handlers which results in a memory leak as the singleton EventBus lives to 
> the entire app lifetime.
> -- J.

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