IE11 uses the same permutation as Firefox, i.e. gecko1_8.Try with this user 
agent..I hope it solves your issue

On Monday, November 17, 2014 12:51:47 PM UTC+5:30, wrote:
> Hi I'm facing a problem that I think it's quite trivial but I can't really 
> understand it in the whole dimension:
> Start point is a quite complex GWT project but I guess with a simpler will 
> be the same, the project has 2 modules , the second inherits the first but 
> again I doubt it could be important.
> The resulting web app works great in chrome and safari but doesn't work in 
> IE (both IE11 and Safari using the i.e. 10 or 9 engine as development 
> option enables to) and doesn't work because can't identify the browser, 
> indeed compiling in detailed mode and looking at JS inside IE I can see 
> that the method
> function computePropValue(propName) {
>     var value_0 = providers[propName](), allowedValuesMap = values[propName];
>     if (value_0 in allowedValuesMap) {
>         return value_0;
>     }
>     var allowedValuesList = [];
>     for (var k in allowedValuesMap) {
>         allowedValuesList[allowedValuesMap[k]] = k;
>     }
>     if (propertyErrorFunc) {
>         propertyErrorFunc(propName, allowedValuesList, value_0);
>     }
>     throw null;}
> throws null because while checking the browser $doc.documentMode is 
> "undefined" and then it can't retrieve the correct nocache.js
> my get.xml is something like
> <module rename-to="XDSViewerCore">
>     <inherits name="" />
> <inherits name="" />
>  <!-- <set-property name="user.agent" 
> value="ie8,ie9,ie10,trident,gecko1_8,safari"/> --> 
>  <entry-point ....
> and my html starts as
> <!doctype html>
> <html>
> <head>
> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
> Naturally I also tried to set user-agent to just safari and gecko and 
> beside it works I have a warning that is telling me about the fact the 
> browser isn't supposed to exist opening the page...
> so:
> 1) why it can't find document mode? what I'm missing?
> 2) It's possible and how can I say that if the browser can't be identified 
> must be used (without warnings!) a default permutation?
> 3) there's something I can do to better understand the behaviour?
> Anyone?

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