(Also answered this on StackOverflow here 

You need to use RootLayoutPanel in onModuleLoad instead of RootPanel. There 
need to be layout panels all the way from the root to the DataGrid. 
InfoWindow doesn't seem to be a layout panel, so you might need to hook up 
the resizing yourself, see:


Furthermore, you put the DataGrid inside a scrollpanel. You can do that but 
then you have to give it an explicit size. DataGrid has its own scrollpanel 
so you can probably also get rid of the explicitly created one.

Op maandag 12 januari 2015 16:49:54 UTC+1 schreef Kevin Workman:
> I posted this on StackOverflow here 
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27847411/datagrid-inside-infowindow-doesnt-show-table-data>,
> but nobody is biting, so I'm cross-posting here.
> I'm using GWT along with the GoogleMaps GWT API (v3.8 
> <https://code.google.com/p/gwt-google-apis/downloads/list>, and no, I 
> can't use the branflakes GoogleMaps API).
> I'm trying to put a DataGrid table inside an InfoWindow on the map. I have 
> the DataGrid working fine as long as I display it outside the map, but 
> whenever I add a DataGrid inside an InfoWindow, none of the table rows show 
> up:
> <http://i.stack.imgur.com/JmU9z.png>
> If I right-click the InfoWindow, go to "inspect element", then trudge 
> through the million divs that GWT creates, I can see that the data is 
> there- it's just not visible for some reason.
> I've done quite a bit of googling, but all I've seen is that a DataGrid 
> has to be a child of a LayoutPanel or ScrollPanel. But that's exactly what 
> I'm doing:
> package com.test.client;
> import java.util.Arrays;
> import com.google.gwt.ajaxloader.client.AjaxLoader;import 
> com.google.gwt.ajaxloader.client.AjaxLoader.AjaxLoaderOptions;import 
> com.google.gwt.cell.client.TextCell;import 
> com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;import 
> com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document;import 
> com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.Column;import 
> com.google.gwt.user.cellview.client.DataGrid;import 
> com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;import 
> com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ScrollPanel;import 
> com.google.maps.gwt.client.GoogleMap;import 
> com.google.maps.gwt.client.InfoWindow;import 
> com.google.maps.gwt.client.InfoWindowOptions;import 
> com.google.maps.gwt.client.LatLng;import 
> com.google.maps.gwt.client.MapOptions;import 
> com.google.maps.gwt.client.MapTypeId;
> public class GwtTest implements EntryPoint {
>     @Override
>     public void onModuleLoad() {
>         AjaxLoaderOptions options = AjaxLoaderOptions.newInstance();
>         options.setOtherParms("sensor=false");
>         Runnable callback = new Runnable() {
>             public void run() {
>                 createMap();
>             }
>         };
>         AjaxLoader.loadApi("maps", "3", callback, options);
>         //this works
>         DataGrid dg = createTable();
>         RootPanel.get("tableDiv").add(new ScrollPanel(dg));
>     }
>     public void createMap() {
>         MapOptions mapOpts = MapOptions.create();
>         mapOpts.setZoom(4);
>         mapOpts.setCenter(LatLng.create(37.09024, -95.712891));
>         mapOpts.setMapTypeId(MapTypeId.TERRAIN);
>         mapOpts.setStreetViewControl(false);
>         GoogleMap map = 
> GoogleMap.create(Document.get().getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOpts);
>         DataGrid dg = createTable();
>         InfoWindowOptions iwo = InfoWindowOptions.create();
>         iwo.setPosition(LatLng.create(37.09024, -95.712891));
>         iwo.setContent(new ScrollPanel(dg).getElement());
>         InfoWindow infoWindow = InfoWindow.create(iwo);
>         infoWindow.open(map);
>     }
>     public DataGrid createTable(){
>         Column columnA = new Column(new TextCell()){
>             public Object getValue(Object object) {
>                 return "one";
>             }
>         };
>         Column columnB = new Column(new TextCell()){
>             public Object getValue(Object object) {
>                 return "two";
>             }
>         };
>         Column columnC 
> ...

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