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Taxes and Death

"Taxes have become so confusing the IRS now estimates that the average
taxpayer will have to spend 28 hours and 6 minutes on the 1040 form and
necessary record-keeping, including the common schedules for interest,
dividends, capital gains and deductions.  This waste of manpower now tops an
estimated 6.1 billion hours on tax forms and record-keeping, accounting for
80 percent of the federal government's entire paperwork burden."

- David Keating of the National Taxpayers Union (

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Naked Ambition

"Barely more than a week after voters turned her out of office in a recall
election, former Georgetown, Colo., Mayor Koleen Brooks has a surprise for
them. On Wednesday, she was in Chicago to pose 'au natural' for photos that
will soon appear on the Playboy magazine Web site. . . . Asked if the photos
will be a plus or minus in her future political efforts, she told Capital
Comment, 'I am simply continuing on with my promotions of Georgetown and if
(the photos) hurts next year when I run again, then so be it.' In the
mid-80s, Brooks worked as a stripper in a Denver-area nightspot, so the idea
of public nudity is not new to her."

- UPI's "Capital Comment," 4/12/02

Finally Getting It Right

"A new poll shows most Americans give Ronald Reagan a higher retrospective
job approval rating than when he was in office. In contrast, Bill Clinton's
retrospective rating slipper lower than his job approval rating while in
office, according to a Gallup poll."

-, 4/8/02

Money Ain't . . . I Mean, Isn't . . . The Answer

"The only thing required to teach children is a big shady tree and a damn
good teacher."

- GOPN&V reader Carroll Freeman

Trees Don't Kill People . Stupidity Kills People

"A tree sitter in the Mount Hood National Forest fell 150 feet to the
ground, was badly injured and died before rescue crews could reach the
remote site," reports the Associated Press out of Portland, Oregon

Those Who Fail to Learn from History

"A decade ago, television pictures of a bloodied Iraqi Army in retreat
caused Gen. Colin Powell - ever sensitive to 'world opinion' - to stay
America's hand.  As a result of our failure to finish that fight, American
lives must soon be put at risk to protect us from Saddam Hussein's nuclear
blackmail.  Has our secretary of state learned the lesson of closure?
Apparently not; he is now on a mission to stop Israel from winning the war
on terror that was launched against it."

- Columnist William Safire

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Not-So-Bright Albright

"Madeleine Albright is criticizing the Bush administration for not being
aggressive enough in its Mideast peace efforts.  Boy, if only Madeleine
Albright were secretary of state, this whole Middle East problem would have
been solved. What? She was secretary of state? And the problem wasn't
solved? Can this be true? We'll look into it."

-, 4/5/02

The Keystone GOPs

"What is it about Republicans?  Just when they seem to be winning an
argument on the merits, they give the game away.  This week's looming fiasco
is the backstage effort to link a Senate vote on Alaska oil drilling to a
steel bailout.

".(A) majority of the Senate (favors drilling in the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge), though not yet with the 60 votes needed to break Senator
John Kerry's Northeast Democratic filibuster.  This is leading some
Republicans, notably Alaska's Frank Murkowski, to bribe a few more votes by
proposing to use money from ANWR's leasing contracts to pay for the pension
and health-care benefits of troubled steelmakers.  That taxpayer tab could
be as high as $10 billion.

"And to think these guys are supposed to be political pros.  In reality,
their brainstorm won't produce 60 votes, because it will lose a conservative
Republican for every Democrat it gains.  Meanwhile, Republicans will have
set a terrible bailout precedent.

"Taxpayers are already implicitly on the hook for steelworker pensions
through the federal Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.  They shouldn't also have
to pay for retiree health plans that were among the best in all of American
industry.  It was those generous union benefits plans - which add about $20
to each ton of steel made - that helped land many steel companies in
bankruptcy court in the first place.  A bailout would only encourage more of
the same."

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 4/12/02

How to Organize a Door-to-Door Blitz

If you ever face the prospect of putting together a door-to-door campaign
for any reason, this FREE special report on how to plan and conduct a
targeted voter registration drive is the FIRST place you should start.  Just
go to:

Reefer Madness

"New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has become the latest leader to gain
prominence for having smoked marijuana. On April 9, the National
Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws ( unveiled a
$500,000 ad campaign that highlights what Bloomberg said when New York
magazine asked him last summer if he ever smoked grass: 'You bet I did. And
I enjoyed it.'  NORML's ads lampoon the War on Marijuana, a big-government
debacle that deserves to be laughed into oblivion.

"...Despite drug warriors' claims, marijuana does not necessarily demolish
young people's life prospects. In fact, Americans evidently can smoke grass,
then wind up in governors' mansions, the U.S. Congress and even the White
House. . . . Officials high and low should accept a simple fact: U.S. adults
enjoy marijuana. Some 69.7 million Americans over 18 at least have tried it,
while 19 million adults say they have smoked pot within the last year.

"And why not? Marijuana can enhance music, fine dining and long walks on
secluded beaches. If consenting adults wish to spark up and watch 'The
Simpsons' inside a private home, that should be as lawful as doing so after
sipping red wine.

"...The same government that permits Americans to soften the edges of modern
life with Xanax, Tylenol PM, Lotto and Jagermeister immediately should put a
match to the entire anti-pot project. If marijuana amuses the mayor of
America's premier city, it should be available to entertain adults in
Anytown, USA."

- Columnist Deroy Murdock


*  RNC's State Chairman's meeting in New Orleans.  April 18-20.

*  National Rifle Association annual meeting in Reno, Nevada on April 26-28.
$10 per person includes NRA membership.  For details go to:

*  2002 Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Charlotte, NC, June
27-30.  For just $165.00 (the early bird rate) you get 5 meals, 2
receptions, and the opportunity to hang out with Republican "super stars"
all weekend.  Go to to register and find answers to any
questions you may have about this conference.

*  RNC's Summer Meeting in San Francisco.  July 18-20

*  ALEC 2002 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.  August 7-11.  For more
information, go to:

*  Western States Republican Leadership Conference.  August 22-24.
Portland, Oregon.  $250 per person.  For more information, contact the
Oregon Republican Party at (503) 587-9233 or go to:

*  30th Annual CPAC conference at the Gateway Marriot in Arlington, VA from
January 30 - February 1, 2003.  Details to follow.

*  17th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. September 27,28 and 29, 2002 at
the. Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona sponsored by the Citizens
Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment
Foundation. Registration is free. You can register by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or by phone at 425.454.4911. For more information go to:

GOP News & Views is made possible by the generous contributions from readers
like you.

Chuck Muth, Editor/Publisher
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 391-0222
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

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