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There's A Rotten Apple in Every Barrel

As most of you know, we have some 24,000+ subscribers to GOP News & Views,
including a few idiot left-wingers who are subscribed just to keep an eye on
us.  That's fine.  We got nuthin' to hide.

One of those idiots is named Peter Aretin [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ], who decided
to gallop to the rescue of University of Ohio President Robert Glidden [
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] who's school of higher "learning" forced a resident
professor to remove an antique rifle from its trophy case on the wall in his
office because some numbskull administrators thought the relic was

Aretin dropped to his knees in support of President Glidden and informed him
that the "present teapot-tempest about Professor Washburn's rifle is being
stoked by Chuck Muth, a smug Nevada Republican party hack who shares his
shallow, hastily formed and one-sided views with an e-list of trained

Trained ninnies?  Well I never!

This fool Aretin would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle.  And if
you see two people talking, and one looks incredibly bored . . . Aretin's
probably the other one.  He is, in fact, a nothing.

But what really frosted my flakes was Glidden's response to Aretin . . .
which he cc'd to me for some reason.  He thanked Aretin for ratting us out
(as if we cared), then took an arrogant shot at all of you who emailed him
by saying Edith Sitwell (whoever that is) got it right when she said, "I am
patient with stupidity, but not with those who are proud of it."

We disagree with Sitwell.  We have no patience with stupidity . . .
especially the kind that thinks displaying a Reconstruction-era rifle on the
wall of an office is somehow a threat.  And we have no patience for a
university president who apparently fell out of the Stupid Tree and hit
every branch on the way down.

Now get back to work all you "ninnies."  :)

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Foot-Draggin' Donkeys

"On judicial nominees...Democrats on the (Senate) Judiciary Committee
refused to allow a floor vote on Charles Pickering Sr., even after they
dropped earlier canards about racism.  Incredibly enough - or perhaps in a
stroke of advance planning - no Democratic Senator on the Committee faces
re-election this fall.  The Senate has approved only eight of thirty
Presidential nominations to appellate courts.  Three have had a hearing but
no vote, while 18 have no hearing scheduled.  Eight of these have been
pending since last May."

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 4/19/02

Hey, Don't Give 'Em Any Ideas, Cliff

"They are only suing because they happen to dislike a product that a company
produces and markets legally.  This is as absurd as suing a car manufacturer
for drunk driving accidents, or suing a fast food company because its
burgers have too many calories."

- Rep. Cliff Stearns (R-Fla.) on GOP efforts to block cities and counties
from filing more nuisance lawsuits against gun manufacturers in efforts to
"bleed" gun makers to death

Disorder in the Union Ranks

"You might not see the picket lines, but a chunk of the American labor
movement is staging a notable walkout - against the Democratic Party. . . .
Leading the revolt is James P. Hoffa, head of the AFL-CIO's third-largest
union, the 1.4 million Teamsters. . . . He has lobbied inside Big Labor for
a more neutral political bent and his officials were recently overheard
giving Democrats on Capitol Hill hell for killing jobs.

"...Meanwhile, the United Auto Workers, electricians and machinists have
rebelled against Democrats on issues from fuel-efficiency standards to
nuclear energy.  They follow last year's resignation from the AFL-CIO by the
influential United Brotherhood of Carpenters, along with its half-million
members and $4 million in annual dues.

"Some of this is issue specific, but it's also a sign of deeper labor
tensions.  When John Sweeney took over the AFL-CIO in 1995, he turned it in
a markedly more partisan and ideological direction.  He aligned Big Labor
with a coalition of interest groups on the cultural and big government left.
This is fine with most public-sector unions (teachers especially), which
grow along with government.  But this leftward tilt has increasingly
alienated many of the old industrial unions, which grow only when the
private economy does."

- Wall Street Journal, 4/16/02

Reefer Madness

"Some 52,000 people (in New York City) were arrested and jailed for smoking
marijuana in public last year, up from 720 in 1992.  Yes, a lot of seemingly
knowledgeable folks will tell you, 'Oh, nobody gets busted for pot anymore.'
But, quite a few people do. . . . More than 59,000 inmates are in federal,
state or local prison for marijuana offenses, including 15,000 for
possession, not trafficking, according to the Marijuana Policy Project
estimates based on Bureau of Justice Statistics reports."

- Columnist Clarence Page

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Sign Up a Friend for the "Muth's Troops" Newsletter

David Pruett of Murphysboro, Illinois writes:  "Chuck, I subscribe to
several conservative newsletters, both on the 'net and via snail mail.Yours
is without a doubt the best.  I especially appreciate the way you have of
making it entertaining while providing very important information.I'm
seriously considering letting my subscription to the 'Limbaugh Letter'
lapse."  If you know someone who might like to join David and receive our
FREE daily GOP News & Views briefings, just go to for quick, easy subscription

Nevada e-Newsletter Now Available

Want the poop, the whole poop and nothing but the poop on Nevada's political
scene?  Then sign up for our new, FREE "Nevada Insider" e-newsletter.  Just
send your email address to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Get It Off Your Chest

Got a bone to pick with the press on an issue.  Make you point known to the
media by going to our FREE press list at:


*  National Rifle Association annual meeting in Reno, Nevada on April 26-28.
$10 per person includes NRA membership.  For details go to:

*  2002 Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Charlotte, NC, June
27-30.  For just $165.00 (the early bird rate) you get 5 meals, 2
receptions, and the opportunity to hang out with Republican "super stars"
all weekend.  Go to to register and find answers to any
questions you may have about this conference.

*  RNC's Summer Meeting in San Francisco.  July 18-20

*  ALEC 2002 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.  August 7-11.  For more
information, go to:

*  Western States Republican Leadership Conference.  August 22-24.
Portland, Oregon.  $250 per person.  For more information, contact the
Oregon Republican Party at (503) 587-9233 or go to:

*  30th Annual CPAC conference at the Gateway Marriot in Arlington, VA from
January 30 - February 1, 2003.  Details to follow.

*  17th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. September 27,28 and 29, 2002 at
the. Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona sponsored by the Citizens
Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment
Foundation. Registration is free. You can register by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or by phone at 425.454.4911. For more information go to:

GOP News & Views is made possible by the generous contributions from readers
like you.

Chuck Muth, Editor/Publisher
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 391-0222
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the sponsors, advertisers ... heck, even some of our readers.
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