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Up Against the Wall and Spread 'Em!

There just ain't enough time in the day.  And recently, there seems to be
even less than usual.  Launching my new e-newsletter on Nevada politics,
traveling coast-to-coast as a volunteer campaign instructor for the
Leadership Institute, heading up the Republican Liberty Caucus, plus
consulting on the campaigns of a half dozen state assembly candidates in the
Las Vegas area who are preparing to file for their races next week, pretty
much fills up my day.

Oh, yeah.  And two young daughters.  Oy vey.

All of which is simply to explain why GOP News & Views has been MIA and/or
intermittent the past couple weeks.  I'll get back on our regular schedule
as soon as things settle down a bit and I come off the road from this week's
trip to DC.

Which brings me to today's "rant".

I am now 100 percent against the new "enhanced" airport security procedures
which have been put in place following Sept. 11.  They're a crock and have
accomplished nothing other than making air travel about as pleasant as a
root canal.  I was willing to bear with the inconvenience under the
assumption that all of us in line were under immediate and imminent threat
to life and limb and the extra precautions were warranted under the

Then they federalized the security screeners.

This has assured only that security checks are now conducted with the
efficiency of the DMV and the warm, fuzzy customer service of the IRS.

By now, many of you have probably guessed that I was singled out for special
attention at the airport Friday morning on my flight to the Washington, D.C.
area.  I wish.

Instead, they pulled my TWO-YEAR-OLD daughter Kristen out of line for a full
body scan, including extra-special attention to her teeny-tiny, little
size-5 tennis shoes.  Of course, the only thing dangerous she was packing
was hidden in her diaper . . . but as unpleasant as that stuff is (and you
know what I'm talking about), I doubt she could have used it to bring down a

Only government could come up with something this stupid and then try to
defend it.

Since this was a "random" search and not because my little angel looked like
some kind of terrorist, what this really means is that the surly-looking,
24-year-old fellow named Muhammed behind us with the one-way ticket to our
nation's Capitol which he paid for with cash just that morning would be
ushered right through simply because the luck of the draw resulted in
Kristen being singled out for "scannering" instead of common sense and . . .
God forbid! . . . a little profiling.

I'm just thankful security didn't find that picture I keep in my wallet of
Kristen brandishing a squirt gun in our back yard.  I'm pretty sure they'd
have hauled her little behind off in handcuffs and leg irons.  Can't be too
careful these days now, can we?  Good grief.

Since the "enhanced" security procedures that have been put in place
post-9/11 aren't enhancing anything other than passengers' agita, it's time
for them to go.  The longer we allow airport security to be run by
government bureaucrats, functionaries and politicians, the worse it will
get.  I'd be open to enhanced security measures if they actually enhanced
our security.  But what Congress has come up with since Sept. 11 decidedly
doesn't do that.  Time to go back to the drawing board.

And we should start by arming our pilots, dammit.  Do it.  Do it now.

Founding Wisdom

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."

- Right-wing extremist Benjamin Franklin


Those of you who don't follow WWF professional wrestling probably won't even
know who the Texas Rattlesnake,  "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, is.  But for
those of you who do, you'll appreciate the suggestion by one particularly
enlightened Capitol Hill staffer who suggests that Republicans follow Stone
Cold's lead and yell "What!" every time Rep. Dick Gephardt makes a speech
from the well of the House.

"My fellow colleagues (What!), I stand here today (What!) for bigger
government (What!), higher taxes (What!), universal health care (What!),
outlawing cars (What!), taking away everybody's guns (What!) . . . shut up
all you losers! (What!)"

At that point Rep. Jim Traficant would come tearing down the aisle amid
fireworks and strobe lights, hop up on the podium, slap a sleeper hold on
Dick until he's down for the count and then begin catching flying cans of
Budweiser from House Republicans in mid-air, ripping the tabs off and
guzzling most of the suds before pouring the rest over an unconscious
Gephardt's head.

Ridiculous?  Sure.  But it sure beats C-SPAN.  What!

Speaking of Ridiculous, We Now Take You to the Left Coast

"California could become the first state to banish Native-American mascots
and team names from its public schools, under a proposal steadily moving
through the state legislature.  Aimed at ending ethnic stereotypes in public
schools and colleges, Assembly Bill 2115 would forbid public schools from
purchasing athletic uniforms and equipment, logos, or stationary that use
Indian mascots, beginning in January.  Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg (D-Los
Angeles), who introduced the controversial ban, said it is not always an
honor to use Indian mascots. She said such symbols often perpetuate harmful
racial stereotypes."

-, 5/2/02

Fighting Whities Jerseys Almost Gone

We are now officially sold out of Large and X-Large "Fighting Whities"
sports jerseys.  Only about a dozen Mediums and XX-Large are left.  When
they're gone, they're gone.  Don't miss the boat.  Irritate the heck out of
those politically-correct numbskulls trying to rename the Washington
Redskins, the Atlanta Braves and the Cleveland Indians.  Have your Visa or
MasterCard ready and go to:

Nevada e-Newsletter Now Available

Want the poop, the whole poop and nothing but the poop on Nevada's political
scene?  Then sign up for our new, FREE "Nevada Insider" e-newsletter.  Just
send your email address to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


*  ACU's "Public Policy Boot Camp" at the Marriott Residence Inn in
Arlington, Virginia June 2-4.  For further information contact ACU's  Kerri
Houston, 214.357.1504 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*  The Third Annual Western Conservative Conference is being held in
Ontario, CA - June 21-June 22.  For additional info, go to:

*  2002 Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Charlotte, NC, June
27-30.  For just $165.00 (the early bird rate) you get 5 meals, 2
receptions, and the opportunity to hang out with Republican "super stars"
all weekend.  Go to to register and find answers to any
questions you may have about this conference.

*  RNC's Summer Meeting in San Francisco.  July 18-20

*  ALEC 2002 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.  August 7-11.  For more
information, go to:

*  17th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. September 27,28 and 29, 2002 at
the. Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona sponsored by the Citizens
Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment
Foundation. Registration is free. You can register by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or by phone at 425.454.4911. For more information go to:

 *  30th Annual CPAC conference at the Gateway Marriot in Arlington, VA from
January 30 - February 1, 2003.  Details to follow.

GOP News & Views is made possible by the generous contributions from readers
like you.

Chuck Muth, Editor/Publisher
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 391-0222
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the sponsors, advertisers ... heck, even some of our readers.
GOP News & Views is not connected to or affiliated with the Republican
National Committee in any manner.  To be REMOVED, go to: and complete the removal request
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