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I'm Leavin', On a Jet Plane

Am on my way out the door for another dose of painful aggravation known
these days as "air travel."  Will spend the next 72 hours in our nation's
capital on a top priority, top secret mission to straighten out this entire
federal government thing.  Should be home by lunchtime Thursday.  Anyway, if
you miss a couple days of GOP News & Views this week, it's due to this trip
to DC.

Dear Chuck:

"Have not written before, but it's time I did! I appreciate so much, your
honest and forthright comments.  No, I do not always agree, either (Is that
the nature of 'conservatives'?), but I do agree with your argument to
critics who believe one should never criticize fellow Republicans.  I am
very happy that Bush is president (Heaven help us if Gore had won!!), but I
am frustrated when he caves in on what are to me, important conservative

"I stopped contributing to the RNC, and have written to them about why I no
longer contritube (namely, the case of Jim Jeffords, whom the leaders helped
elect just because he had an 'R' after his name, but was, in fact a RINO).
So far, no one has answered me.  They just keep sending the same
mass-printed letters, questionnaires, etc, asking for money, which I reply
the same way I did before.  Keep up the good work!"

- Janell Hope (grandma), Lake Stevens, Wa

Back Ashcroft, 2nd Amendment

Please go to to learn how gun-ban extremists are trying
to coerce Attorney General John Ashcroft into changing his correct
interpretation that individual Americans have the constitutional right to
keep and bear arms and sign the petition there showing your support. Here's
the address:

Profiling Like There Was No Tomorrow

OK, I admit it.  I'm guilty.  Guilty of profiling.  Yep, I profiled the heck
out of a guy over the weekend.  No question about it.  Better call the PC

Giving Mama Gia the evening off for some personal time, I headed down to the
local poor-man's version of Chucky Cheese with my two daughters on Saturday
night.  I was waiting in line to order behind a young Hispanic girl trying
to place a take-out order.  She didn't speak English and nobody behind the
counter spoke Spanish.  The two sides fumbled around trying to get the order
straight but reached an impossible impasse over the critical question of
thick or thin crust.

The situation obviously called for an interpreter...and fast.  (I was
really, really hungry)

So I looked around the dining room hoping to find someone who spoke both
languages.  Noticed a white guy sitting at a table nearby . . . but he didn'
t look like he could even speak English, let alone Spanish.  How about that
black fellow over there?  Maybe, but not necessarily the best odds.  Then I
noticed a guy with his family who - gasp! - "looked" Hispanic.

So I went over and asked him if he spoke Spanish...and what do you know?  He
DID!  Well I'll be.  He stepped up to the counter, translated the full and
correct order to both parties (she went with the thin crust) and returned to
his table.  And he didn't even seem to notice I had "profiled" him...or at
least, it didn't seem to bother him.  Whew.  I was actually pretty worried

I ordered my pizza, dumped a ton of tokens in some mechanical lion/seesaw
machine for my two-year old, drank a beer...and everyone went home happy.
Lesson of the Day:  When the situation warrants it, a little bit of
profiling never hurt anyone.

Now, about those airport screeners who "scannered" by two-year a couple
weeks ago.

- Chuck Muth, Editor

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

"The article concerning the Libertarian assault on 'targeted' congressmen
was one more nail in the Libertarian coffin as far as my vote is concerned.
Using the single issue on marijuana to defeat good conservatives like Bob
Barr is about as politically foolish as you can get."

- GOPN&V reader Dr. John Glassman

Great Idea

"Dear Chuck: You should know that I REALLY enjoy and look forward to your
daily updates!  Thanks.  Also, I have been thinking lately that we don't
need more laws...we need to enforce the ones we already have OR even better,
I would like to see our Congress be required to spend maybe every fifth year
ONLY deleting obsolete, stupid laws and passing NO new ones."

- GOPN&V reader Loren McQueen

"Choose Life" Plates Selling Like Hotcakes

Choose Life, Inc. announces its Million Dollar Day is May 23, 2002.
According to the Tallahassee DMV records, the sales of the Choose Life
license plate in Florida will go over $1,000,000.00 then.  The Choose Life
tag now adorns over 30,000 vehicles in Florida. Every sale and/or renewal
raises $20.00 to assist adoption efforts in Crisis Pregnancy Centers,
Maternity Homes and certain non-profit adoption agencies in the county where
the tag was purchased.

Adoption Option's Long Wait

"I saw that one of your readers thought that it was atrocious that it takes
6 months and up to $20,000 to adopt a child. I would like to know where this
is happening. My wife and I have been on an adoption waiting list for over
18 months and are now looking to adopt from Russia or elsewhere.  We are
looking at $25-$30,000 best case, not including incidentals. The last couple
who adopted overseas said to expect the total (including air fare, food,
board, and bribes) to exceed $50,000.  Please tell me where the waiting list
for an American baby is only 6 months long. I know many couples who have
been waiting for over 2 years."

- GOPN&V reader Ernie Cull

Black Kids Get Short End of Adoption Option Stick

"Reading the letters to you from parents that tried to adopt high-risk
children in this country bring back memories for me that made me sad and
also mad.  In 1988, our 3-day-old daughter died, as she was born
prematurely.  After being told that we probably could not have any more
children, I pursued possibly adopting a child that was either
African-American or biracial.

"I called the organization in Dallas, TX, that handled children in foster
care, thinking that would be a good place to start.  After talking quite a
while with a representative from that organization, I began to understand
that she was telling me that my husband and I would not be good candidates
to adopt a minority child, specifically an African-American child, because I
was not that race, and would probably not be able to teach that child about
his/her ethnicity or heritage.

"So we leave them in foster care, to be bounced around from house to house,
with no roots, and no permanent parents . . . and they are better off?"

- GOPN&V reader Christine D. Lutz

>From the Other Side of the Adoption Option

"As someone who was adopted, I feel qualified to speak on the subject also.
I was born in 1948. I was adopted by my parents and given to them about nine
months later after going through the screening process. That included
surprise visits to their home and all the questions the agency had for them.
Much like the process is today. The difference is that the total cost of my
adoption was $1.50!  And that was for the cost of the agencythe paperwork.
My how times have changed...for the worse.  Yet the politicians say, 'We
care for the children.'  Bull !!!"

- GOPN&V reader David Smith (formerly: Thomas Higgins)

Ann Coulter's Summer Blockbuster!

Prominent liberals -- desperate to gain even more political power in
America -- pull no punches in their effort to defame and discredit
conservatives. No lie, no false accusation, no misquotation is too
outlandish. And their pals in the media are forever letting them get away
with it.  But finally someone is calling their bluff.

In "Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right", Ann Coulter -- with her
trademark wit and shrewd insights -- exposes those carrying out this
campaign, reveals their brutal techniques, and refutes their vicious
slanders and outright lies.

Be one of the first to own this summer's conservative blockbuster. Through
this special pre-publication offer, you can purchase "Slander" for just
$18.17 - a 30% savings off the retail price.  Publication date: June 2002.
Go to:

Dear Chuck:

"I don't recall now how I became aware of your newsletter, but I enjoy it
immensely. Your newsletter has crystallized so many issues for me and has
made me more aware of the absurdity of the liberal agenda, from ceramic
penises to punishments for children using their fingers as 'guns' on the
playground. Bottom line: Keep telling it like it isyour 'troops' will always
rally around you." - Stephen Hunton, Waleska, GA.

If you know someone who might like to join conservatives and libertarians
such as Stephen who receive our FREE GOP News & Views briefings, just go to for quick, easy subscription

Long Savings on Long Distance!

Just 4.97 cents per minute * All state-to-state calls in the continental
U.S. * Residential or commercial * 6-second billing increments after the
first 18 seconds * 24 hours/day * 7 days/week * No access codes * No
minimums * No activation fees * No monthly service charge unless your bill
is less than $30.00 a month (then a $2.50 service charge will apply) * No
need to change your local phone company * No hassles * Easy sign-up. *And a
small portion of each bill goes to help continue publishing our FREE GOP
News & Views e-newsletter. go to:// today.

Leadership Institute Training Schools

To be the best, learn from the best.  Get additional information on LI
training schools at: or call (800) 827-5323.

1-2  Grassroots Activist School
6  Grassroots Fundraising Workshop-Dallas, TX
8  Grassroots GOTV Workshop-Frederick, MD


*  The Third Annual Western Conservative Conference is being held in
Ontario, CA - June 21-June 22.  For additional info, go to:

*  2002 Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Charlotte, NC, June
27-30.  For just $165.00 (the early bird rate) you get 5 meals, 2
receptions, and the opportunity to hang out with Republican "super stars"
all weekend.  Go to to register and find answers to any
questions you may have about this conference.

*  RNC's Summer Meeting in San Francisco.  July 18-20

*  ALEC 2002 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.  August 7-11.  For more
information, go to:

*  ACU's "Public Policy Boot Camp" at the Marriott Residence Inn in
Arlington, Virginia August 18-20.  For further information contact ACU's
Kerri Houston, 214.357.1504 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*  17th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. September 27,28 and 29, 2002 at
the. Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona sponsored by the Citizens
Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment
Foundation. Registration is free. You can register by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or by phone at 425.454.4911. For more information go to:

 *  30th Annual CPAC conference at the Gateway Marriot in Arlington, VA from
January 30 - February 1, 2003.  Details to follow.

GOP News & Views is made possible by the generous contributions from readers
like you.

Chuck Muth, Editor/Publisher
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 391-0222
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

The opinions and views expressed in GOP News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the sponsors, advertisers ... heck, even some of our readers.
GOP News & Views is not connected to or affiliated with the Republican
National Committee in any manner.  To be REMOVED, go to: and complete the removal request
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