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Rosie Rips Willie

"(Bill Clinton) disgusts me.  And I know I'm not supposed to say this
because I'm a good Democrat, but I didn't want to (talk) to him because he
lied to me when he said 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman,'
and then put the scarlet letter...on her for the rest of her life. . . . I
still hate you."

- Gun-grabber blabber-mouth Rosie O'Donnell explaining why she refused to
speak with the former president last weekend

The More the Merrier

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Houston, We've Found the Problem

"Every time liberals try to rehabilitate the state, public employees manage
to demonstrate in some incredibly dramatic or bone-headed way that they are
part of the problem rather than the solution."

- ACU Chairman David Keene, The Hill, 6/26/02

One Nation, Under Daschle...

"Republicans say it's time for the American people to wake up and shake up
their elected representatives, on behalf of President Bush's judicial
nominees. The National Republican Congressional Committee reminds the party
faithful that, 'Liberal Democrat Tom Daschle and Senate Democrats are
holding up 45 of President Bush's judicial nominees who would serve as a
counterweight' to the 'type of nonsense' issuing from the 9th Circuit Court
of Appeals. Wednesday's ruling declaring the Pledge of Allegiance 'illegal'
shows why it is so important for the Senate to move on President Bush's
judicial nominees, the NRCC said."

-, 6/27/02

New & Improved Pledge

Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus Chairman George Harris is getting into the
game of changing the words to the Pledge of Allegiance.  His suggestion:  "I
pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the
REPUBLICANS WHO MAKE IT STAND, one nation, under God."

Gotta nice ring to it, don't ya think?

Simon Takes Three Steps Forward...

"California GOP gubernatorial nominee Bill Simon has announced the
appointment of three well-known Republican campaign veterans to his staff.

"Joining the campaign are Ed Rollins, who managed Ronald Reagan's 49-state
landslide re-election campaign in 1984; Lyn Nofziger, who was with Reagan at
the beginning of his political career in 1976; and John Peschong, former
executive director of the state GOP and a former Republican National
Committee regional political director.

"Peschong will oversee the day-to-day operations of the campaign while
Rollins and Nofziger will provide strategic and communications advice to
Simon in his underdog bid to oust Democrat Gov. Gray Davis."

- UPI's "Capital Comment," 6/26/02

...And Two Steps Back

"An increasingly nasty brawl in the California GOP is quickly spinning into
a public embarrassment that some Republicans say threatens the party's
biggest goal -- electing businessman Bill Simon governor.

"The troubles involve state party chairman Shawn Steel and conservative
backers who have focused their wrath on influential presidential adviser
Gerald Parsky -- architect of a Republican reorganization designed to help
the state GOP better appeal to moderates, women and Latinos.

"The battle against Parsky's influence has, in recent weeks, intensified
with a series of anonymous 'Parskywatch' e-mail messages to Republicans
all over the state, lambasting the Bush friend on everything from his fund
raising to his taste in basketball teams.

".'This is a classic GOP circular firing squad,' says Dick Rosengarten,
publisher of the political newsletter Calpeek, which has run polls of his
political junkie readers to guess who is behind the e-mail campaign. 'It's
about who controls power within the California Republican Party.'"

- San Francisco Chronicle, 6/25/02

Pill-Poppin' Relief

Columnist Rich Lowry is a little torqued at Democrats and well-off senior
citizens for trying to get Uncle Sam to cough up a whopping new entitlement
program subsidizing prescription drugs.  Lowry notes that "Americans age 65
and over spend, on average, about $700 a year on prescription drugs," which
they now want Congress to force taxpayers to pay for.

"Seniors, on average, spend $1,200 a year on dining out," writes Lowry.
"The elderly could save so much on 'blue plate' specials if only the
government paid the tab."  Hey, don't give the Democrats any ideas.

Lowry contends that only 10 to 15 percent of senior citizens can't afford
their own prescription drug coverage, and that those folks should be covered
under a new Medicare benefit . . . but ONLY is drastic Medicare reform
itself is included.

But Democrats aren't likely to sign off on such a plan, "So, the health of
everyone might suffer because Democrats want to pander to the elderly.
Would that someone in Washington had the courage to say to comfortable
seniors, 'Granny, pay for your own damn drugs.'"  Don't hold your breath

Kids Games

One of our readers recently sent me a note asking if I'd heard anything
about efforts to ban the kids' game "Tag."  In fact, I have.

Patrick Hruby wrote about the PC attacks on all kinds of kids' games in a
Washington Times story back in May.  Here are some highlights (or
low-lights, rather) about games these goofballs think should be banned from
the playground.

TAG is out because it favors "fast children over slower ones; creates
potential for inappropriate touching and/or sexual harassment; (plus)
designation of one child as 'it' ostracizes said child from the overall
group and may result in long-term feelings of shame and embarrassment."

Instead of tag, the wingnuts suggest playing "Shake," where "children chase
each other in order to shake hands and exchange pleasantries" and no one is

DODGE BALL is a no-no because it's "too violent, too exclusionary, too,
well, NASTY."  Neil Williams, the bozo who's leading an effort to ban dodge
ball from schools says, "It's like giving each of the kids a hammer in shop
class, having them put their hands on the table, then seeing if you can slam
a kid's hand with the hammer before he can get out of the way."

No it's not.  Not even close.  But wouldn't you like to see someone smash
Williams' hand with a hammer, though?

HIDE-N-SEEK's gotta go say opponents because it, "Forces children to 'hide'
from others, undercutting self-esteem (and) discriminates against obese
children, who are less likely to find adequate hiding places."  Gimme a

The PC'ers suggest "Wave-n-Smile" instead.  In this stupid game, "one child
closes his or her eyes and counts to 10; the others scatter around the field
of play.  When the child opens his or her eyes, the other children wave and
smile from their positions."

Oh, yeah.  That sounds like a LOT more fun.

And finally, MUSICAL CHAIRS gets the old heave-ho.  You see, it's
"inappropriate for deaf children;" the "musical accompaniment (is)
potentially ethnocentric," and "children who are eliminated may feel 'left
out' or consider themselves 'losers.'"

No, the losers are the idiots who suggest that instead of musical chairs,
kids play "Special Chairs," where "children sit on chairs that are arranged
in a circle" and the "instructor tells each child one-by-one that they are a
'special, special person.'"

I think I'm gonna go toss my cookies.  Is that a game?

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Leadership Institute Training Seminars

13-14 Youth Leadership School
22-26 Candidate Development School

For more information, contact Christian Robey at (800) 827-5323 or go to:


*  RNC's Summer Meeting in San Francisco.  July 18-20

*  Campaigns & Elections campaign training seminar in Los Angeles, CA.  July
26-27.  $295 per person.  For more information, call (800) 888-5767 or go to

*  Free Republic's First Annual "Friva Las Vegas" conference at the Treasure
Island resort on the Strip August 16-17.  For more info, go to:

*  ALEC 2002 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida.  August 7-11.  For more
information, go to:

*  ACU's "Public Policy Boot Camp" at the Marriott Residence Inn in
Arlington, Virginia August 18-20.  For further information contact ACU's
Kerri Houston, 214.357.1504 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*  17th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. September 27,28 and 29, 2002 at
the. Sheraton Crescent Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona sponsored by the Citizens
Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the Second Amendment
Foundation. Registration is free. You can register by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or by phone at 425.454.4911. For more information go to:

 *  30th Annual CPAC conference at the Gateway Marriot in Arlington, VA from
January 30 - February 1, 2003.  Details to follow.


Chuck Muth, Editor/Publisher
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 391-0222
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

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