Akhirnya...Wafat Juga...!!! Semoga kesabaran meliputi segenap keluarga dan 
kroni2nya.. Kasihan kasusnya blum selesai.. (isi sms berantai yg saya terima 
tadi pagi)

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: [GM2020] Pak Harto
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 3:25:54
From: Agus Lahinta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  <gorontalomaju2020@yahoogroups.com>



On 1/27/08, Tuturuga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Selamat jalan Jenderal Besar, semoga Allah
> mengampunimu!
> Bagi keluarga yang ditinggalkan semoga tabah dan jujur
> kepada masyarakat Indonesia. Masih banyak yang harus
> dipertanggungkawabkan di depan rakyat.
> =t=
> --- Rahman Dako <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Temans,
> >
> > Hampir semua media massa di Indonesia, menjadi
> > berbalik memuja Soeharto pada masa sakit sampe
> > matinya.  Tapi lihatlah kata Associated Press
> > dibawah ini, beberapa menit setelah kematiannya:
> >
> > Salam,
> > AGAG
> >
> > Former Indonesian dictator Suharto dies
> > By ZAKKI HAKIM, Associated Press Writer 11 minutes
> > ago
> > JAKARTA, Indonesia - Former dictator Suharto, an
> > army general who crushed Indonesia's communist
> > movement and pushed aside the country's founding
> > father to usher in 32 years of tough rule that saw
> > up to a million political opponents killed, died
> > Sunday. He was 86.
> >
> > Suharto had been ailing in a hospital in the capital
> > since Jan. 4 when he was admitted with failing
> > kidneys, heart and lungs. Doctors prolonged his life
> > through dialysis and a ventilator, but his condition
> > dramatically worsened over the weekend. He stopped
> > breathing and slipped into a coma Sunday.
> >
> > A statement issued by chief presidential doctor,
> > Marjo Subiandono, said he was declared dead at 1:10
> > p.m. The cause of death was given as multi-organ
> > failure.
> >
> > Finally toppled by mass street protests in 1998, the
> > U.S. Cold War ally's departure opened the way for
> > democracy in this predominantly Muslim nation of 235
> > million people and he withdrew from public life,
> > rarely venturing from his comfortable villa on a
> > leafy lane in the capital.
> >
> > Suharto had ruled with a totalitarian dominance that
> > saw soldiers stationed in every village, instilling
> > a deep fear of authority across this Southeast Asian
> > nation of some 6,000 inhabited islands that stretch
> > across more than 3,000 miles.
> > Since being forced from power, he had been in and
> > out of hospitals after strokes caused brain damage
> > and impaired his speech. Blood transfusions and a
> > pacemaker prolonged his life, but he suffered from
> > lung, kidney, liver and heart problems.
> >
> > Suharto was vilified as one of the world's most
> > brutal rulers and was accused of overseeing a
> > graft-ridden reign. But poor health — and continuing
> > corruption, critics charge — kept him from court
> > after he was chased from office by widespread unrest
> > at the peak of the Asian financial crisis.
> >
> > The bulk of political killings blamed on Suharto
> > occurred in the 1960s, soon after he seized power.
> > In later years, some 300,000 people were slain,
> > disappeared or jailed in the independence-minded
> > regions of East Timor, Aceh and Papua, human rights
> > groups and the United Nations say.
> >
> > Suharto's successors as head of state — B.J.
> > Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Sukarnoputri
> > and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono — vowed to end
> > corruption that took root under Suharto, yet it
> > remains endemic at all levels of Indonesian society.
> >
> > With the court system paralyzed by corruption, the
> > country has not confronted its bloody past. Rather
> > than put on trial those accused of mass murder and
> > multibillion-dollar theft, some members of the
> > political elite consistently called for charges
> > against Suharto to be dropped on humanitarian
> > grounds.
> >
> > Some noted Suharto also oversaw decades of economic
> > expansion that made Indonesia the envy of the
> > developing world. Today, nearly a quarter of
> > Indonesians live in poverty, and many long for the
> > Suharto era's stability, when fuel and rice were
> > affordable.
> >
> > But critics say Suharto squandered Indonesia's vast
> > natural resources of oil, timber and gold, siphoning
> > the nation's wealth to benefit his cronies and
> > family like a mafia don.
> >
> > Jeffrey Winters, associate professor of political
> > economy at Northwestern University, said the graft
> > effectively robbed "Indonesia of some of the most
> > golden decades, and its best opportunity to move
> > from a poor to a middle class country."
> >
> > "When Indonesia does finally go back and redo
> > history, (its people) will realize that Suharto is
> > responsible for some of the worst crimes against
> > humanity in the 20th century," Winters added.
> >
> > Those who profited from Suharto's rule made sure he
> > was never portrayed in a harsh light at home,
> > Winters said, so even though he was an "iron-fisted,
> > brutal, cold-blooded dictator," he was able to stay
> > in his native country.
> >
> > Like many Indonesians, Suharto used only one name.
> > He was born on June 8, 1921, to a family of rice
> > farmers in the village of Godean, in the dominant
> > Indonesian province of Central Java.
> >
> > When Indonesia gained independence from the Dutch in
> > 1949, Suharto quickly rose through the ranks of the
> > military to become a staff officer.
> >
> > His career nearly foundered in the late 1950s, when
> > the army's then-commander, Gen. Abdul Haris
> > Nasution, accused him of corruption in awarding army
> > contracts.
> >
> > Absolute power came in September 1965 when the
> > army's six top generals were murdered under
> > mysterious circumstances, and their bodies dumped in
> > an abandoned well in an apparent coup attempt.
> >
> > Suharto, next in line for command, quickly asserted
> > authority over the armed forces and promoted himself
> > to four-star general.
> >
> > Suharto then oversaw a nationwide purge of suspected
> > communists and trade unionists, a campaign that
> > stood as the region's bloodiest event since World
> > War II until the Khmer Rouge established its
> > gruesome regime in Cambodia a decade later. Experts
> > put the number of deaths during the purge at between
> > 500,000 and 1 million.
> >
> > Over the next year, Suharto eased out of office
> > Indonesia's first post-independence president,
> > Sukarno, who died under house arrest in 1970. The
> > legislature rubber-stamped Suharto's presidency and
> > he was re-elected unopposed six times.
> >
> > During the Cold War, Suharto was considered a
> > reliable friend of Washington, which didn't oppose
> > his violent occupation of Papua in 1969 and the
> > bloody 1974 invasion of East Timor. The latter, a
> > former Portuguese colony, became Asia's youngest
> > country with a U.N.-sponsored plebiscite in 1999.
> >
> > Even Suharto's critics agree his hard-line policies
> > kept a lid on Indonesia's extremists. He locked up
> > hundreds of suspected Islamic militants without
> > trial, some of whom later carried out deadly suicide
> > bombings with the al-Qaida-linked terror network
> > Jemaah Islamiyah after the Sept. 11 attacks on the
> > U.S.
> >
> > Meanwhile, the ruling clique that formed around
> > Suharto — nicknamed the "Berkeley mafia" after their
> > American university, the University of California,
> > Berkeley — transformed Indonesia's economy and
> > attracted billions of dollars in foreign investment.
> >
> >
> > By the late 1980s, Suharto was describing himself as
> > Indonesia's "father of development," taking credit
> > for slowly reducing the number of abjectly poor and
> > modernizing parts of the nation.
> >
> > But the government also became notorious for
> > unfettered nepotism, and Indonesia was regularly
> > ranked as one of the world's most corrupt nations as
> > Suharto's inner circle amassed fabulous wealth. The
> > World Bank estimates 20 percent to 30 percent of
> > Indonesia's development budget was embezzled during
> > his rule.
> >
> > Even today, Suharto's children and aging associates
> > have considerable sway over the country's business,
> > politics and courts. Efforts to recover the money
> > have been fruitless.
> >
> > Suharto's youngest son, Hutomo "Tommy" Mandala
> > Putra, was released from prison in 2006 after
> > serving a third of a 15-year sentence for ordering
> > the assassination of a Supreme Court judge. Another
> > son, Bambang Trihatmodjo, joined the Forbes list of
> > wealthiest Indonesians in 2007, with $200 million
> > from his stake in the conglomerate Mediacom.
> > Suharto's economic policies, based on unsecured
> > borrowing by his cronies, dramatically unraveled
> > shortly before he was toppled in May 1998. Indonesia
> > is still recovering from what economists called the
> > worst economic meltdown anywhere in 50 years.
> >
> > State prosecutors accused Suharto of embezzling
> > about $600 million via a complex web of foundations
> > under his control, but he never saw the inside of a
> > courtroom. In September 2000, judges ruled he was
> > too
> === message truncated ===
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