Halo Hulonthalo,
Saya Fw. kan disini pendapat tentang gimana mo bawa oto di Gorontalo
kalu sungai Bone dan sungai Bolango bekerja sama menyuplai air banjir ,
walaupun "sodetan Tamalate" sebagai gagasan brilyan(?) org2 PU sudah
in-place, ma woluwo. 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 3:55 PM
Subject: Fwd: [fv-alumni] How to drive your car in the flood
Dear All, mungkin berguna untuk situasi di Jakarta sekarang ini.
Subject: How to drive your car in the flood
Driving your car in the flood
Dear Colleagues,  let me share a bit of my knowledge.
If you really-really have to drive in the flood, please read this
Flood here means : water level reaching 1/2 of your tire size.
Automatic Transmission 
The tales say that car with automatic transmission are more vulnerable
in the flood is NOT TRUE. 
One thing you can bear in mind : driving in the flood is almost similar
with driving in mountain area like: Lembang, or Puncak, a road  with
high degree of elevation.
If you push your throttle too deep, will not give you any advantage and
adding risk to the engine to shut down. Similar with driving in the
mountain, if the elevation is too high, you will not climb because the
power is not enough. And water, the stronger you push, the stronger the
water will push you back. So, DON'T PANIC.
What you must do :
1. put the transmission in the lowest gear (D1, or 1, or L), and drive
your car moderately, watch the RPM , as long as the needle is between
1500 to 2000 RPM, you're fine. Do it with the lowest throttle you can
reach the RPM, no need too push too deep.
pipe is underwater as long as your engine running, so, don't worry.
If you need to stop for a long time in the flood, quickly shift the gear
to N, and keep the engine around 2000 rpm
2. turn of the AC. You can push off or turn to the maximum left of the
temperature controller of your AC. You can keep the fan running. If you
turn on your AC, the cooling fan will possibly suck the water from the
front, and spray it into your engine compartment.
3. keep the distance with the car/bike in front of you so you don't make
a sudden stop (which you may not do that because the brakes are wet)
4. know your car, know the location of the air intake. This is very
important, because if the water sucked into this part, you can say
goodbye to your car engine, the piston will break and the engine will go
dead foerever before you overhaul it. Know the position of your ECU (the
engine control unit - like the brain of your car). If the ECU covered by
water, you need about 2-4 million to replace it. (ECU is used in a car
with electronic fuel system, not using carburator)
Conclusion : 
Don't drive in the flood if the water level is almost reaching your air
intake. Don't worry about the exhaust pipe. 
There's some vulnerable-by-water part of your engine, those are: 
* Alternator. Alternator is a part to recharge your battery/accu. If the
alternator broken by water, the worst thing is only the car battery is
not recharged. But you will still can drive it home or somewhere else.
But this part is usually placed high enough and covered by other parts.
* Electric fan of you're a/c system. Don't worry, it will not stop you.
Manual Transmission 
You don't need to push the throttle deeply to have very high RPM just to
make your engine runing. 2000 Rpm is enough. You're just wasting gas if
you do that.
You must do similar with the tips above : 
1. drive in 1st gear only, keep the rpm around 2000 RPM (avoid  doing
"setengah kopling"). 
2. keep the distance with the car/bike in front of you. 
3. turn of the AC 
4. know your car's air intake position, and ECU. (first version of honda
jazz  have the air intake position facing down and this is very not
suitable for driving in the flood, cos it will be the water sucking port
to your engine)
General suggestion : 
If you are not sure with your car's health, and  happened to stop in the
deep flood for quite a long time  (1/2 to 3/4 level of your tire) - for
say 2-3 minutes, do total oil change (engine oil including the oil
filter, gearbox oil) because the water could be inside the engine
If you are not sure with the water depth, and still want to drive over
it, stop a while, get down, look far away in the front, measure the
water depth by looking at the water level compared to the other car's
Happy swimming. 
Don't panic 
Enjoy the adrenaline !
But if you can avoid the flood, please do so :

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