Indonesia ?  No Cash, No Hope, No Wonder...

When Allan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve 

visited Indonesia, DTKTD invited him to give a speech in 

Borobudur Room about, "  Indonesia economic problems 

and how to solve them. "

When he finished, sudenly all of us who attended his speech, asked the same 
question :
 " How did America survive with the great depression and the economic turnmoil 
recently ? "

With his expressive body language, he answered our question.

" As all of you know, America, like Indonesia, is a very big country, both of 
us have big natural resources, but . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

America has 3 things that Indonesia has not :

First, . . we had Johny Cash, the great entertainer in Las Vegas.

Second, . . we have Bob Hope, the great commedian and

Third, . . . we have Stevie Wonder, the black American 

singer, although he is blind, he gives lot of inspiration,........

Indonesia ............?

No Cash, No Hope and No Wonder . .

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