kalo otak pontho'o bo beken panyaki!
  bagate de bohito
  thanks wassalam
iqbal makmur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                    Enaknya studi di Jepang :
  Kurikulum OK punya
  Fasilitas lengkap
  Pengajarnya hebat2
  Informasi teknologi terkini
  Negaranya aman dan bersih
  Makanannya enak dan bergizi
  Lingkungannya indah dan asri
  Ceweknya cantik2 hehe.. (khusus buat Ritchie)
  Ayo teman2, manfaatkan kesempatan ini. Selamat mencoba.
  Ganbatte kudasai

============ ========= ========= ========= ========= ========= =========
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb

Rekan2, berikut ada tawaran kesempatan untuk melanjutkan S2 dan atau S3 di 
Tohoku University, Japan. Program dibuka untuk bidang-bidang Natural Sciences 
dan Geosciences. Ada beberapa slot full scholarship (5 tahun bagi yang mulai 
dari S2, dan 3 tahun bagi yang mulai dari S3) yang ditawarkan baik untuk 
program doktor dan program master. 

Program ini dijalankan menggunakan bahasa Inggris, baik perkuliahan maupun 
riset di labnya. 

Sejak program ini dibuka pada tahun 2004, mahasiswa Indonesia mulai mengisi 
program ini sejak tahun 2006, terutama untuk program Advanced Multi-scale 
Natural Sciences dimana pada enrollment 2008 ini full-scholarship didapat oleh 
2 orang Indonesia yang menjadi mahasiswa berafiliasi kepada Department of 

FYI, Tohoku University adalah satu dari 7 Imperial Universities di Jepang 
(University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tohoku University, Nagoya University, 
Osaka University, Hokkaido University dan Kyushu University). Untuk tahun 
Fiskal 2008, Tohoku University adalah peringkat ke-3 Universitas terbaik di 
Jepang setelah Tokyo University dan Kyoto University, dalam hal jumlah project 
penelitian dan besarnya dana penelitian dari pemerintah, industri dan 
masyarakat yang diserap. 

Berdasarkan peringkat yang dikeluarkan oleh Thomson Scientific (Essential 
Science Indicator), berdasarkan produktivitas riset untuk tiap-tiap bidang di 
Universitas dan Institusi-institusi penelitian di dunia, Tohoku University 
menempati peringkat: 
   ranking 3 untuk Materials Sciences, setelah Chinese Academy of Sciences dan 
Max Planck Institute (keduanya institusi penelitian pemerintah, seperti 
LIPI-nya Indonesia, sementara Tohoku University adalah Universitas)  
   ranking 9 untuk Physics, setelah Max Planck Institute, University of Tokyo, 
MIT, Inst. Nazl. Fis. Nucl. Rusia, Russian Academy of Science, University of 
California Berkeley, dan Chinese Academy of Sciences  
   ranking 16 untuk Chemistry  
   selengkapnya bisa dilihat di: http://esi.isiknowl edge.com/ rankdatapage. 
cgi?option= I& search=TOHOKU% 20UNIV&searchby= N

Mahasiswa IGPAS dapat bergabung kepada lab yang berafiliasi pada spearhead 
research institute milik Tohoku University, seperti Institute for Materials 
Research (IMR), Institute for Multidisciplinary Research in Advanced Sciences 
(IMRAM), dan juga satu dari 5 start-up research center dengan funding terbesar 
di Jepang, yaitu World Premier Institute-Advanced Institute for Materials 
Research (WPI-AIMR). Selain itu, juga dengan research center yang berafiliasi 
pada Graduate School of Sciences. 

Berikut informasi lengkap dan persyaratannya:

  International Course
IGPAS (International Graduate Program for Advanced Science)        We have 
updated the Application Booklet and now accept applications for IGPAS 2009. 
Application deadline is January 31, 2009. 
          IGPAS Application Booklet 2009
   Program Details  
   Financial Support   
   Application Forms  
   Frequently Asked Questions  
   Contact Information
  INTRODUCTION       International Graduate Program for Advanced Science 
(IGPAS) is an interdisciplinary graduate program in the Graduate School of 
Science, Tohoku University. It was established in October 2004 as the first 
international graduate program founded in Japanese national universities. IGPAS 
offers courses in English for international students who are eager to obtain 
master��s and doctoral degrees from the Graduate School of Science. It is also 
aims to educate Japanese students to exert their abilities as internationally- 
active, professional scientists. 
     IGPAS has proudly reserved positions of Japanese government scholarship 
for its master��s students since its foundation, and in 2008, IGPAS-Super 
Doctoral Course (SDC) has been started for doctoral students jointly with the 
Institute for the International Advanced Research and Education (IIARE) of 
Tohoku University. Students of IGPAS-SDC benefit from fellowship by IIARE to 
promote world top-level, interdisciplinary research at the Graduate School of 
     Prospective students will have excellent opportunities to study modern 
science and conduct cutting-edge research with top-level scientists currently 
working at Tohoku University.
  top of page��  PROGRAM DETAILS       IGPAS is a 5-year graduate program as 
the combination of a 2-year master��s program and a 3-year doctoral program. In 
the interdisciplinary program, students are affiliated to one of six 
departments in three groups based on the GCOE programs: (i) Chemistry, (ii) 
Mathematics, Astronomy, and Physics, and (iii) Earth Science and Geophysics. 
     The academic year of IGPAS starts in October. The Graduate School of 
Science will admit at most 20 students each for the master��s and doctoral 
programs for IGPAS 2009. 

  top of page��  Financial Support        As of December, 2008, availability of 
financial supports for IGPAS 2009 students is as shown below. See 7. FINANCIAL 
SUPPORT of the appplication booklet for the eligibility requirements. 
     For a possibility of financial support other than the below, contact your 
prospective supervisor. 
  Master��s Program
Japanese government (MEXT) scholarship for 8 students 
by The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT; 
  �� Monthly stipend of 170,000 yen/month for the first year and 160,000 yen 
for the following years 
�� Flight tickets between the country of the student��s nationality and Japan 
��Exemption from application, admission and tuition fees.
  Doctoral Program
IGPAS-SDC fellowship for 2 students 
by the Institute of International Advanced Research and Education (IIARE), 
Tohoku University
�� Monthly stipend of 200,000 yen/month 
�� 300,000 yen to compensate for admission fee
�� 250,000 yen/semester to compensate for tuition
�� Research grants of up to 500,000 yen/semester (up to 1,000,000 yen/year)
  top of page��  Application Forms  Please check 9. HOW TO APPLY and 10. 
APPLICATIN DOCUMENTS of the application booklet first, and then download 
required forms from the chart below. Additional documents are also required for 
  All Applicants
          Form#1: Application for Admission
      Form#2: Statement of Reason for Applying for the Program
      Form#3: Research Proposal
      Form#4: Summary of Past Research
      Form#5: Recommendation Letter
      Form#6: Official Recommendation Letter
  Applicants for MEXT Scholarship
          Application for MEXT scholarship
    Available around the end of December, 2008.
  Applicants for SDC Fellowship
          Form#A: Essay on Interdisciplinary Study
    Available soon.
      Form#B: Application form Prospective Supervisor
    Available soon.
  ��Please do not alter the prescribed format.����ttach an additional sheet if 
  ��Form#5: Print 2 copies and provide 1 copy to each of your references. 
��Form#6: It should be signed by the dean or higher official of your 
��Form#B: It should be submitted directly by the prospective supervisor.
  top of page��  Frequently Asked Questions   Read through the latest 
application booklet first before checking the FAQ (in a new window). 
  top of page��  Contact Information  Academic Affairs Section for IGPAS
  Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
6-3 Aramaki-Aza- Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578 JAPAN
Email: direct��mail.sci.tohoku. ac.jp
��"��" is written in full-size in order to avoid junk mails. You need to change 
it to regular size(@) when sending an e-mail. 
____________ _________ _________   ____________ ______
------------ --------- --
Satria Zulkarnaen Bisri
Graduate Student
Low Temperature Condensed State Physics (Y. Iwasa Lab.)
Institute for Materials Research
Tohoku University, Japan
URL: http://www-lab. imr.tohoku. ac. jp/~satria/index. html   


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